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You risk demotion if this happens


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This is something you might not think of, but you should be aware that going offline (unavailable) if you have anything less than 100% on stats like Response Rate or On-time deliveries, means you risk a demotion. 

The reason is the way these stats are calculated. 

The Response Rate measures the replies to the first messages in the inbox for the previous 60 days.

Once a message gets older than 60 days, it no longer counts in the statistics. 

Therefore, if you had, for example, 10 messages in the last 60 days and 1 of them was unanswered, you'd have a 90% Response Rate.

However, once one of the messages becomes 61 days old, it is no longer counted in.

If the message that is older was replied to on time, then you would remain with 9 messages included in the stats and still 1 that was unanswered in time.

That would take your percentage to 89% and you'd be demoted if it didn't go back up in time for evaluation. 

Many of us know this already, but it's something to keep in mind if you're planning on going away for a while. If you do, and have less than 100%, and stop getting messages because you're unavailable, your stats will continue to drop as older, answered messages, got too old to count. 



Edited by smashradio
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On 6/6/2023 at 9:35 PM, smashradio said:

That would take your percentage to 89% and you'd be demoted if it didn't go back up in time for evaluation.

Does this also apply to your overall rating (the gold number at the top of your dashboard page)?

Most of the time it sits at "5", but I recently got 2 back-to-back bad reviews, and now it is at 4.7. Does this number only count at evaluation time?

And the number seems to drop even if I have no orders - what gives? I don't want it to drop to 4.6 the day before the evaluation.

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12 hours ago, stevebatesvo said:

Does this also apply to your overall rating (the gold number at the top of your dashboard page)?

Most of the time it sits at "5", but I recently got 2 back-to-back bad reviews, and now it is at 4.7. Does this number only count at evaluation time?

And the number seems to drop even if I have no orders - what gives? I don't want it to drop to 4.6 the day before the evaluation.

No, your star average is an all-time stat, not a time-sensitive one, so it shouldn't keep dropping beyond the average it's at unless you get new negative reviews. So that's weird. 

As for when it counts, your average needs to be maintained at 4.7 or higher over the course of 60 days to maintain your level. This is soon to change when Fiverr launches the ability for buyers to review certain cancelled orders. When they do, the required average to maintain a level will be dropped to 4.2. This will probably launch very soon, so keep an eye out! 

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9 hours ago, smashradio said:

your average needs to be maintained at 4.7 or higher over the course of 60 days

This is what I meant. I got 2 bask-to-back bad reviews, which dropped it to 4.8. I had no orders for about 5 days, then it dropped again to 4.7.

I have figured out a solution though. I raised the price and delivery days of the gig that got the bad reviews - essentially putting the gig "on ice".

Then I started using the "Promote Your Gig" feature for my other gigs. It worked on the first day - I spent $2 on promotion and got a $200 job, resulting in a 5-star review. This pushed my rating from 4.7 to 4.8 !!!

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Suppose you deliver without attaching the file and the buyer accepts it. But then if the buyer calls support to cancel your order for any reason. And if the support sees that you have not given anything in the attach file then you will get TOS along with canceling your order. To avoid this issue, be sure to attach the file during delivery.

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