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5 Proven Strategies to Boost Your Earnings From a Top Rated Seller


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If you’re a seasoned seller, you probably know this already, so this one is directed at all of you fairly new sellers out there.

After nine years on the platform, I’ve tried and tested all these strategies, so I know they work! 

Here are some nuggets of wisdom I’ve gathered over the years that can help you earn more from Fiverr without doing much extra work. 

1. Faster deliveries, higher earnings

Buyers love quick turnaround times. If you’re not charging extra for it, you’re losing out on potential revenue. Just remember to under-promise and over-deliver. Don’t bite off more than you can chew by setting unrealistic delivery times. Aim to deliver before the 12-hour notification goes off. 

2. Revisions: Not free, but fair

Some buyers appreciate the safety net of added revisions, while others might request them during the order process. This ties in with the above: charge for it. I offer one revision with every order, but anything more comes with a price tag. And in case you missed it, a revision typically means small changes within the scope of the original order. New script? Extra work? You guessed it… Charge for it

Could some of the services you include in your gig be moved to your order extras list? 

3. Cross-selling: Your gigs could be a goldmine

Do you have one successful gig while the others are collecting dust in the corner of page 18? This is a game-changer to increase sales across your entire gig catalog. If a buyer is interested in one of your gigs, they might also be interested in your other gigs. Add a friendly note at the end of each delivery message, letting your buyer know you offer services X, Y, and Z, and always be on the lookout for new opportunities when you chat with clients. I've seen this strategy transform into regular buyers needing a multitude of services. In fact, one of my highest-grossing gigs to this day got started thanks to this tactic. 

4. Pricing: Up your game

Still charging the price of a cup of coffee for your gig? Price hikes, inflation, the increased cost of living - it all adds up. A well-planned strategy to increase your rates could be just what you need to boost your earnings. A higher price tag also sets you apart and makes you look more professional. Want to attract premium buyers? Do it with premium pricing (and make sure you’re up for the challenge!). 

5. Offer seasonal services

Festivities and seasons can bring in a wave of orders if you’re ready for them. Launching new gigs for special occasions like Christmas, New Year, the 4th of July, elections, or Black Friday, might make you the new go-to-seller for buyers searching for specific services. 

Increasing your earnings is all about identifying opportunities, adding value, and recognizing your worth. 

I hope this helps! 

Edited by smashradio
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35 minutes ago, smashradio said:

If you’re a seasoned seller, you probably know this already, so this one is directed at all of you fairly new sellers out there.

After nine years on the platform, I’ve tried and tested all these strategies, so I know they work! 

Here are some nuggets of wisdom I’ve gathered over the years that can help you earn more from Fiverr without doing much extra work. 

1. Faster deliveries, higher earnings

Buyers love quick turnaround times. If you’re not charging extra for it, you’re losing out on potential revenue. Just remember to under-promise and over-deliver. Don’t bite off more than you can chew by setting unrealistic delivery times. Aim to deliver before the 12-hour notification goes off. 

2. Revisions: Not free, but fair

Some buyers appreciate the safety net of added revisions, while others might request them during the order process. This ties in with the above: charge for it. I offer one revision with every order, but anything more comes with a price tag. And in case you missed it, a revision typically means small changes within the scope of the original order. New script? Extra work? You guessed it… Charge for it

Could some of the services you include in your gig be moved to your order extras list? 

3. Cross-selling: Your gigs could be a goldmine

Do you have one successful gig while the others are collecting dust in the corner of page 18? This is a game-changer to increase sales across your entire gig catalog. If a buyer is interested in one of your gigs, they might also be interested in your other gigs. Add a friendly note at the end of each delivery message, letting your buyer know you offer services X, Y, and Z, and always be on the lookout for new opportunities when you chat with clients. I've seen this strategy transform into regular buyers needing a multitude of services. In fact, one of my highest-grossing gigs to this day got started thanks to this tactic. 

4. Pricing: Up your game

Still charging the price of a cup of coffee for your gig? Price hikes, inflation, the increased cost of living - it all adds up. A well-planned strategy to increase your rates could be just what you need to boost your earnings. A higher price tag also sets you apart and makes you look more professional. Want to attract premium buyers? Do it with premium pricing (and make sure you’re up for the challenge!). 

5. Offer seasonal services

Festivities and seasons can bring in a wave of orders if you’re ready for them. Launching new gigs for special occasions like Christmas, New Year, the 4th of July, elections, or Black Friday, might make you the new go-to-seller for buyers searching for specific services. 

Increasing your earnings is all about identifying opportunities, adding value, and recognizing your worth. 

I hope this helps! 

Leo, Bravo!  All good advice for seasoned sellers who have the basics covered.  In no way am I attempting to hijack your thread, but I wanted to add some context that none of these will matter if the seller is making elementary mistakes, the mistakes that we are asked about hourly in the forum. So while these are all good to follow, beforehand make sure that you are doing the following:

1. Only make gigs for services that you are truly skilled in. Otherwise you will not get sales, or if you do, they will cancel and you lose anyway.

2. Start with 1 gig and expand only when the first one gets some traction.  The "make 7 gigs, myth" is dumb, and false.

3. DO NOT LIE.  Ever, about anything. The biggest joke on the forum is when we call out sellers who claim to be "Fluent" or "Native/Bilingual" in English, but actually speak like a 3 year old American child. Unless you are offering writing or translation services, it is fine to be honest and say "Basic" for your language proficiency. In fact it makes a buyer trust you more, because believe me, you cannot fool a native speaker.  We see it right away. As long as we can communicate, I will let you edit my video or create a logo. But if I know you are lying about English, then I distrust you and will not hire you. 

4. Point number 3 is so important, please read it again.  Don't lie about English skills or about your qualifications. We laugh when we see people claim to be "PhD of SEO." from the University of Elbonia.  Neither the degree or the university exist, and people do check.

5. Anyone who says "stay online always" is a clown and you should block that person because life is too short to take advice form clowns. 

6. Show your actual work in your samples. Do not copy other people's work, and do not use stock images, because we can look them up with www.tineye.com in 2 seconds and see that this is not your actual picture. Especially when you use this for your gig, but your profile picture is a 40 year old dude with a wooly beard. 


7. Speaking of profile pictures, congrats if you are using an actual photo of yourself, but make sure that you are choosing one that does not make you appear as if you are in the middle of a bank robbery. Trust is built visually first.

8. That's just a few off the top of my head.  But to rip off Garrison Keillor: "Be honest, offer quality and do good work."

If you ignore my steps, none of Leo's will matter because his are higher level. 


Edited by newsmike
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2 minutes ago, newsmike said:

Leo, Bravo!  All good advice for seasoned sellers who have the basics covered.  In no way am I attempting to hijack your thread, but I wanted to add some context that none of these will matter if the seller is making elementary mistakes, the mistakes that we see asked about hourly in the forum. So while these are all good to follow, beforehand make sure that you are doing the following:

Thank you! It's meant for the sellers who already have enough traction to worry about their average selling price and not how rank on fiber affects your be always online stat🫡

With all that said, your advice should be required reading before you can even click on the "Become a seller" button. 

I think I wrote something to that effect the other day, specifically about being honest. Unfortunately, it seems that only 0.1% of people on the forum will read anything that could potentially involve them doing real work. Perhaps that's too much to ask.

And don't worry about hijacking my thread – if I wanted a one-way conversation, I'd post my own congas. 🤣

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