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Get More Business - BY ASKING FOR IT!


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What's the easiest way to get more business?

Just Ask for It! 🔑

One simple, yet powerful way to grow your Fiverr business is right at your fingertips.
Asking for referrals from current and past clients.

Why referrals? 🤔

Referrals are reliable and they work
Buyers already know they like working with you
They don't cost anything!

How can you start asking for referrals? Here are some tips:

1️⃣ Be confident and direct:
Be Brave.
Remember, if you've done great work for your clients, they'll likely be happy to refer you to others.
People like being helpful

2️⃣ Timing matters.:
Ask for referrals when the project is either 70% done, or complete.
You want to ask when they are at the happiest in the process.

3️⃣ Make it easy for them:
Give a message to share.
Creating an easy template makes the work easy for your client to pass it on, and doesn't create extra work for them.
Include your gig link and portfolio to share.

4️⃣ Show gratitude:
Thank your clients for their referrals.
Consider offering a small incentive to show them you appreciate it.
Surprise and delight at every chance.

Ask for referrals.
Open new doors.
Watch your Fiverr business grow. 

David Piper

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24 minutes ago, midsummervoice said:

3️⃣ Make it easy for them:
Give a message to share.
Creating an easy template makes the work easy for your client to pass it on, and doesn't create extra work for them.
Include your gig link and portfolio to share.

This is a great suggestion!

Also- we can remind buyers that we may be able to help them with their other projects.  For instance, since I sell voice overs- if I sell a phone greeting to a business -  I definitely tell them that I’d love to help them with any new explainers they were thinking about for their website, VSL’s, Ads, etc and vice versa.

Sometimes they aren’t even thinking about creating other things and now all of the sudden they think…yes!

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Both of the Suggestions are good.

But I have suggestion. And by that suggestions my 3 to 5 Clients were my returner on my first Fiverr account. Most of the time I do some extra work for my client and most of the buyers like them and they became your returner. Because it save their money. Thanks for the suggestions.

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Just now, waheedseostudio said:

Both of the Suggestions are good.

But I have suggestion. And by that suggestions my 3 to 5 Clients were my returner on my first Fiverr account. Most of the time I do some extra work for my client and most of the buyers like them and they became your returner. Because it save their money. Thanks for the suggestions.

Yes, under promise and over deliver is key to this working.
Two ways to get more business, sell more to existing clients, or sell to more clients. 

I was suggesting a great way to find more clients. But thanks so much, you brought up the core way that makes it work!

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Hi @midsummervoice,

I've never asked for referrals as a seller, but a lot of my business comes from referrals. Some of my clients even ask if they can share my gig link with their social media circle, and I don't refuse the offer!

I think you've listed great ideas and wanted to highlight this one tip you gave:

1 hour ago, midsummervoice said:

2️⃣ Timing matters.:
Ask for referrals when the project is either 70% done, or complete.
You want to ask when they are at the happiest in the process.

⬆️ This is key for this to be successful if you are asking for referrals. Include your gig links as part of the delivery process and mention any referral discounts/offerings there. Seller Plus Coupons is another great spot to mention referral bonuses.

Where sellers shouldn't ask for referrals is in the inbox and when there isn't an open order. I'm more than willing to help my sellers out as a buyer, but I'm also a seller as well. So any messages I get from my sellers also affect my stats as a seller. I had an incident in January when I went out-of-office because of an off-grid camping trip. I was notifying all of my buyers for four months that I would be out-of-office (but didn't even think of notifying my sellers). Lo, and behold, my wonderful sellers, whom I haven't heard from in months, decided to ask for referrals and business when I was out of office. My response rate plummeted from 100% to slightly below 90%. I still wanted to help my sellers out but the timing was off, and it put me in a really tight spot as a seller.

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You're right, @vickieito
Cold messaging asking for referrals is the worst way to go about it. Always look at it from a perspective of adding value. "I just helped you solve this problem...I'm sure I could help you or someone you know solve another problem"

When you do it cold, you're value sucking. You're saying "I have a problem...I need more work and I need YOU to solve that."

Doesn't work

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