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Private Buyer Reviews should be compulsory for all buyers before they can download the product


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I don’t think it should be compulsory before they can download, but I do think the private feedback shoudn’t weight on the algorithm as much as it does now. Public reviews, tips, and even cancellations should be more important in evaluating a seller's performance.

Lately, I've been facing problems with my gig impressions because of private feedback according to my success manager, even though everything else is fine. It's frustrating that a few unhappy clients have more weight than over 20 satisfied customers. And i think that's because happy customers won't come back to answer more questions.

I completely agree with what @bethanyvo said, "Generally, a happy buyer does not bother with any emails requesting feedback that they aren’t required to be bothered with- and an unhappy buyer will want to shout from the rooftops- so the current feedback that is being collected is not an accurate representation of the sellers overall buyer satisfaction rate."

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On 4/30/2023 at 9:19 AM, bethanyvo said:

Buyer feedback is the most important metric Fiverr can collect. And of course, public reviews can be manipulated or may not be reflective of a buyers true feelings, so Fiverr is correctly trying to gather private feedback about the buyers experience.

However, the implementation of this feedback request from Fiverr is flawed and ONE bad private review for a seller who has few to zero positive private reviews can be devastating to their rank and business. 

Generally, a happy buyer does not bother with any emails requesting feedback that they aren’t required to be bothered with- and an unhappy buyer will want to shout from the rooftops- so the current feedback that is being collected is not an accurate representation of the sellers overall buyer satisfaction rate.

This flawed feedback collection approach hurts Fiverr’s revenue also.  Sellers are now afraid to politely insist on correct pricing for in order upgrades for fear of private feedback retribution - and are hesitant to take on “new to Fiverr buyers”- as their opinion is weighted more heavily.

All this would be solved by making each and every buyer click no more than 3-5 simple questions that are the most important to Fiverr before they can download their product. Easy.  

This way- Fiverr gets the extremely valuable information they need- but a sellers buyer feedback score is a total and complete representation of a sellers buyer satisfaction performance.

Along with what has already been mentioned, another big problem with this idea is that for anything audio/video related the streaming bit rate here is abysmal, so your delivery sounds and looks like doo doo until they download it locally.


Along with that, there are a whole lot of situations in which the buyer needs to be able to integrate what you did for them into a larger project in order to evaluate it properly (like voice over, music, animation, etc), and forcing them to rate the experience before they know for sure they can use what you gave them is a recipe for disaster.


Just make it one review, left at the time you accept the order and close it out, with a check box to either make it public or not.

Boom - done.



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On 4/30/2023 at 12:04 PM, vickieito said:
  • 1) Yes, I'm satisfied with the delivery, 2) This order could've been better, but I approve the delivery, 3) I'm not ready yet
  • The first option could automatically give the buyer 5 stars (privately).
  • The second option could give the buyer an option to choose the star amount on a slider scale (also privately).
  • This would then make the private reviews mandatory (but very easy to do).

@Yoav.MThank you- this idea above from @vickieito of 3 button options at delivery was really good so I’m reposting 😊

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One review, that occurs at the time of accepting the delivery and closing the order. A simple check box that allows you to make the review public if you want to. Regardless of which you choose, the review counts the same. If you don't close the order and it auto-completes, there is no review. Period.


That's it. No follow up surveys with dumb terms like 'perfect' in them. No vague multiple choice emails a week later. One review, your choice as to whether or not it's seen by the seller, and it counts the same either way... and the best part - no unnecessarily hounding buyers and punishing sellers for things they can't control.

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There's one more issue

Repeat buyers occasionally purchase in a month but don't bother, even to write public review

They just complete order and runaway

If I was buyer, probably I think same 'Oh man! I don't have much blood to WRITE same mighty review again and again to same person in every month'

May be for repeat buyers, only stars and feedback OPTIONAL

Along with stars mention that "REPETITIVE BUYER", I believe the word "REPEAT" is enough to explain quality of service


Some even ask me to contact them on whatsapp/telegram, though they were valid buyers

Well I been speechifying about rules to them

But problem is, they bothers to WRITE, they want to SPEAK instead

Its 2023, AI is in trend. What about Voice to text feedback ?


Also that 3 row stars looks extra. Isn't one row enough ?

Buyers are in hurry, one buyer mistakenly clicked 4 stars and others 5. and result was 4.7

and now we won't be able to correct our mistake in life 😂

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2 hours ago, Yoav.M said:

@grayprogrammerz - thanks so much for sharing this with us here. Is there anything we can try to do to support and help you with this matter about buyers?

I appreciate Yoav for willing to help. Currently, everything is fine on my end. ☺️

I suggested features about reviews system:
1. "Repeat buyer badge" on review, ability to write empty review for repeat buyers
2. Audio based reviews (so users can smoothly convey detailed feedback), which transcribed to text
3. 5 stars instead of 15 ("Recommend to friend","Service as described", "Seller Communication Level")

Implementing such features, will help me and my buyers a lot
Thank you!

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