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Issue with Fiverr Gig Video Thumbnail Displaying Incorrectly.



Hey there, Fiverr community!

I'm a new seller on Fiverr, and I had a concern regarding the video thumbnail of gigs. Recently, I posted my gig video and made a specific part of the video the thumbnail of the gig. However, upon looking at it from a buyer's perspective, I noticed that my thumbnail is not visually fitting in the thumbnail section.

Interestingly, when I click the play button, the thumbnail appears fine. I'm not sure how to fix this issue, and I'm hoping someone can help me out. Can anyone please guide me on how I can make my thumbnails fitting & visually appealing from a buyer's perspective?

(The Size of the Video: 1920x1080)

Thanks in advance for your help!

Normal View (Issue).png

View While Playing the video (I want to achieve this as the normal view).png

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2 answers to this question

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Posted (edited)

If you look at the gig image guidelines you can check the aspect ratio it probably uses:


That says a recommended image size is 1280x769
That's about 1.664:1. So it's probably cropping the video thumbnail so it's about 1.664:1
so if your video is 1.78:1 you could check that the text in it doesn't go outside a 1.664:1 area of it (or an area slightly less than that to be sure).

Edited by uk1000
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Image Size Guide in pixels (px)

Recommended image size 1280x769 px, 72 Dots Per Inch (DPI)
Minimum size 712x430 px


This is the Fiverr recommended size, you can change the size of the image and reupload the video again and hopefully, it will be fixed. 

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