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As i am a new seller since 3-4 months didn't receive the order


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Here's a few suggestions/comments:

Gig: I will manage your fba amazon seller central
In the standard package title "buisness" could be changed. The same thing for the standard package description.
The description could be improved and it's only 1 and half lines long. I'd write more in the description about the service.

Gig: I will writing and editing for you
In the gig title:
Maybe add a verb to the gig title. Generally I don't think a title should ever start with "I will writing..." as it's probably not best grammatically.

Your gig image mentions assignments and your gig description mentions help with academic papers. I'd make sure you check this link:
and make sure you aren't offering anything against that.

Also I'm not sure if you're gig is in the best subcategory based on the description.

Gig: I will professional writing and editing services for papers
I'd change the title here too. Saying "I will professional writing..." doesn't sound the best grammatically.
I'd check the link previously given about academic services as your main gig image says "academic content writing" and your gig description says
"to help students and academics produce high-quality academic papers" - if you're writing the content for those students that's probably against Fiverr rules. You also say it's to impress their professors etc. - when they should be writing the content themselves. You proofreading it may be okay but not writing it.

Gig: I will create the amazon listing for you
In the gig description I'd change "do the of the" and try and increase the gig description length if possible.

None of your gigs have an FAQ. I'd add them if you think it would help buyers.

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20 minutes ago, raheelehtesham said:

short and perfect titles and descriptions?

I'm suggesting to change any gig titles that say "I will writing" or "I will professional writing" as it doesn't sound correct grammatically. A sentence "I will writing..." is incorrect/not best grammatically. A sentence "I will write..." is better.

I'm saying to increase gig description length if possible if they're really short (eg 1 and a half lines is probably too short). Gigs with fuller gig descriptions tend to get more orders.

But I'm also suggesting not to keep any gigs that break any Fiverr rules (like rules against doing academic work). Keeping gigs that break any Fiverr rules could put you at risk of getting an account warning.

Edited by uk1000
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2 minutes ago, uk1000 said:

I'm suggesting to change any gig titles that say "I will writing" or "I will professional writing" as it doesn't sound correct grammatically. A sentence "I will writing..." is incorrect/not best grammatically. A sentence "I will write..." is better.

I'm sorry, but would it not be more helpful and realistic advice to suggest that if user cannot construct a sentence in basic English, they they should refrain from offering writing in English as a gig? Correcting his description without any improvement in English will only allow him to make more sales in that area which will undoubtedly disappoint the buyer. We should encourage people to only sell skills that they actually possess. 

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Gig: I will manage your fba amazon seller central
In the standard package title "buisness" could be changed.

In the standard package description "Amaon Buisness" could be changed.

Gig: I will manage your amazon seller central listings
In the gig description:
Maybe change "do the of the"

You have 2 gigs called "I will write and edit the content for you". Gig duplicates aren't allowed.

You don't seem to have read the link I gave which was https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360020869438-Academic-services-on-Fiverr---The-Dos-and-Donts?segment=seller

as your gigs still seem to be offering writing of academic work. You're still offering "well-written content that will impress your professors" when the students should be writing it themselves. So you could get an account warning if Fiverr thinks you're offering academic work that students should do themselves.

The "I will manage your amazon seller central listings"' gigs description is still quite short (2 lines). You could increase it if it would help with describing your service. You've still not added an FAQ to any gig.

You could try different gigs if you would be able to offer better services with those and remove any that would be breaking the TOS/rules.

Also if you look at how your gigs show on your Fiverr profile you should see that some text is getting cut off in some of the main gig images. I'd change the gigs so that text in any gig image doesn't get cut off there if you can. eg. check the aspect ratio is the same as in Fiverr's recommended gig image sizes.

Also in one of your two "I will write and edit the content for you" gigs you offer blog post writing etc. but your gig is in the "elearning content development" subcategory.  What you're offering in the gig description doesn't seem to be very related to what the subcategory is.

Edited by uk1000
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