I have an order. I failed to submit the exact thing that the buyers wanted, but he agreed to extend the time. Some things that I needed to complete the order does not provide by the seller (not part of the order requirements), and his guide was also unclear about a step. (He does not mention this is a new step, it seems like it is not).
Then he modified a bit order too.
That makes me to deliver order with multiple times, and it takes buyer time to test my scripts multiple times,
That not only taken his time my time also taken with this.
Now he is saying he wants to cancel the order since he arranged another solution for his requirements.
Although I said I can try this with another script but it does not worked due to buyer requirements.
Then I modified my script, it is a bit slightly different from our chat but the end results will be the same.
Now let me know what should I do to cancel the order or not.
I know there is my fault too but the buyer does not provide some essential things about the script when it runs on his PC.
I don't want that my account got penalized, but I also don't want to cancel the order.
I have an order. I failed to submit the exact thing that the buyers wanted, but he agreed to extend the time. Some things that I needed to complete the order does not provide by the seller (not part of the order requirements), and his guide was also unclear about a step. (He does not mention this is a new step, it seems like it is not).
Then he modified a bit order too.
That makes me to deliver order with multiple times, and it takes buyer time to test my scripts multiple times,
That not only taken his time my time also taken with this.
Now he is saying he wants to cancel the order since he arranged another solution for his requirements.
Although I said I can try this with another script but it does not worked due to buyer requirements.
Then I modified my script, it is a bit slightly different from our chat but the end results will be the same.
Now let me know what should I do to cancel the order or not.
I know there is my fault too but the buyer does not provide some essential things about the script when it runs on his PC.
I don't want that my account got penalized, but I also don't want to cancel the order.
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