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As a high level seller, delivered a work that took MANY HOURS of hard work, ZERO issues, weeks later, Fiverr says the person canceled!


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Hi all,

My nature of work is more of a coaching and it is based on AUDIO recording and also AI generated art work that I have programmed to a custom setting matching the life details of the individual, first to do so as far as I know, it is unique and all that. What I do is extremely unique and customised 100% of the time. I cannot RESELL my custom work. What I do, as in all coaching work, is NOT REFUNDABLE. And after many years and selling almost 300 orders, I thought that was clear and that Fiverr would have protected me and sellers that offer such work. I WAS WRONG!

I received a cryptic generic insensitive message this morning from  Fiverr that my order that was delivered over 10 days ago was canceled! Zero reasons given. That was $155 order.  Took me over 7 hours, included 5 hour and 20 min audio and 22 art work pieces! That was a WHOLE DAY worth of my time.

What was worse than a stab at my back was that Fiverr has kept their cut!!! They just couldn't pay me anything. WHY??? HOW COULD A BUYER w no prior purchase or ranking WHO HAS ZERO PAST HISTORY ON FIVERR OR ANYWHERE AND SUPPOSEDLY I WAS THEIR FIRST CLIENT DO THIS TO ME & without ANY issues or explanations given?


How could FIVERR allow that? What are we to Fiverr? Pest? Do we matter? I am a TOP seller, level 2, 5 star, many repeat clients, etc.

As a mom, full time mom and a full time engineer, I go through hell to deliver what I do w the quality that I do. I am KNOWN for GIVING more than others in the field. I am KNOWN for doing an excellent job.  I had ZERO IDEA that anyone could do that re gigs such as mine. How can anyone REFUND a coaching/reading custom job?????  And how can they treat me like a PEST, as if I am not owed an explanation re what happened????!!'

Anyhow, just requested my current buyer to cancel. I can no longer sell on Fiverr. This is UNACCEPTABLE customer service.

I only respond to REAL non sycophantic Fiverr paid accounts and bots. I know Fiverr has many out there who try to LECTURE and somehow tell victims such as me that I must have done something wrong or that Fiverr doesn't make any mistakes etc. Also, what I do is NON REFUNDABLE, so pls don't compare work that is not similar in nature or takes a short time to accomplish. All my orders take HOURS of meditation and prep work, plus recording that goes for over 4-5 hours in each case. Take that advice elsewhere. 

Fiverr is an insured company. If the buyer couldn't pay me & this was a banking dispute, the buyer couldn't have paid Fiverr either. That's more fair or at least, less suspicious. They have to pay me using their insurance for my stellar work that was already delivered over 10 days ago if they cared about keeping sellers in MY HIGH LEVEL & popularity.


That is WHY TOP SELLERS DO NOT SELL ON SUCH PLATFORMS. It is virtually impossible to do so.


I am out of here. For good. This line was my RED LINE. HIGH QUALITY SELLERS: STAY AWAY.  RESPECT YOURSELVES and your STELLAR customer service. We should NOT SELL OB FIVERR and such platforms.


Giti Oracle.

P.S FIVERR OWES ME $124.  This Karma will balance itself out. This is HOW THIS SIMULATION that we call UNIVERSE work. Never forget that.




Edited by gitioracle
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3 minutes ago, shahzadaseo said:

Oh Very Sad. Keep it up and don't be disheart. 

thank you but I am done w fiverr. I was doing this level of work at a loss for karmic reasons anyways, I have no needs for selling on fiverr for financial reasons but I have had enough of ODD issues related to INFERIOR customer service and frankly DOSGY stuff on fiverr. Fiverr OWES ME $124. I am never ever going to forget that. I may even take legal action, I'll take to my family, everyone I know is a lawyer ( unless it is in the terms, not sure, it's ridiculous frankly).

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1 hour ago, mariashtelle1 said:

Did you try to contact customer support first to see if they can reimburse you? 

I have....no responses yet...I have NEVER had any of my former issues ( I have dealt w UNUSUAL software bugs and such, many others have as well) but I have never had satisfactory customer service. I don't trust that they will pay me what they owe. The nature of that generic email was SO RUDE, so insensitive, so detached, so cryptic, and so unbelievable that told me all I needed to hear. I am out of here. I have too much self respect and value myself too much to stick around. I am 100% sure Fiverr has insurance and if they cannot cover sellers in my level, we shouldn't be selling on Fiverr. Fair is fair. These platforms deserve what they get. I have a feeling soon, only fraudsters will be frequenting such websites, both as sellers and buyers, and that is only expected. Customer service?? Quality work? Care and consideration for people? Giving a good service?? Putting one's heart and soul into a job??  FORGET about it. Welcome to the new world.

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3 hours ago, gitioracle said:


Have you checked the buyer's profile? Does it still exist on Fiverr? If not, they probably did a chargeback with their refund provider. Or they made the purchase with a stolen credit card or something. Those things can happen in any business.

1 hour ago, gitioracle said:

I have....no responses yet..

It might take them some time to review your case. To check if you have delivered everything as agree upon.

50 minutes ago, gitioracle said:

I know Fiverr after three years of dealing w the. They will never do that.

All the sellers who got reimbursed by Fiverr after the buyer did a chargeback would disagree with you.

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7 minutes ago, mariashtelle1 said:


58 minutes ago, gitioracle said:

They will never do that

If that was indeed a chargeback from a client and fiverr can see that you delivered everything as promised then they might reimburse you. They did it for me and for other sellers. 


I have been reimbursed before.

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On 4/16/2023 at 4:11 PM, catwriter said:

Have you checked the buyer's profile? Does it still exist on Fiverr?

yes the person has a profile that I think is still active....but I can't see anything else... I messaged the person asking for a response etc...zero responses. Fiverr says it was a charge back and they are investigating. I had my current buyers cancel. I am STILL IN the STATE OF SHOCK. My nature of work is so unique and custom that I had no idea ANY ONE could do a charge back and be granted AFTER TWO WEEKS OF DELIVERY, because I have, quite visibly, delivered over 5 hours of audio and over 22 unique art work attached.  My entire week has been ruined. I am not sure how I can sell on fiverr anymore bc clearly, Fiverr either doesn't care about sellers in my level ( I thought I was high level) or they can't bother, not sure. I read online that EVEN IF they pay me ( which they must, I was under contract here through Fiverr that HAS INSURANCE, the main reason I didn't want to sell via my own website or even Paypal was such security related reasons) but given Fiverr has always rejected every one of my requests to fix faulty automated rankings etc, I assume that they either won't grant me the money OR that I'll have to wait MONTHS to receive it, both unacceptable for me. I cannot deal w such headaches so since my selling on Fiverr & my return after 18 months was only due to client's huge support & their constant emails begging me and the gig's  popularity and not exactly as my main job or source of revenues, I think the message is loud and clear re what to do next. It is really ridiculous for someone who has sold OVER 300 times to a global audience, including MANY repeat clients and all delieved on time and perfectly with 5 stars and huge amounts of tips to all of a sudden be treated by Fiverr like this.  I thought by now they should know that such mistakes NEVER occur by sellers in my level. I NEVER EVER CAN POSSIBLY not deliver the right product to the client. I am not a rookie. I am not a delinquent. How is it possible that Fiverr takes me from my 200% legally earned income & sends it back to this scammer client WITHOUT EVER ASKING ME or NOTIFYING ME FIRST!! These issues are MASSIVE. Top sellers CANNOT work like this.

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On 4/16/2023 at 4:18 PM, vickiespencer said:

have been reimbursed before.

I am not sure even if Fiverr reimburses me that I could possible trust to sell again. The fact that this can occur to sellers in my level who NEVER make mistakes ( I am a perfect seller, I do NOT make mistakes, ever) only shows that such headaches can occur again. I cannot sell like that.  I know this may be my huge red line, but we all have our red lines.  I also don't have a track record of having my completely legitimate requests ever been listened to before so even though I know I am 100% qualified to be reimbursed ( beyond qualified in fact), going by  my past success rate w customer service, I am not hopeful at all. One thing is clear, if I don't get reimbursed, I won't even complain, I will DELETE the account for good. I am all or nothing type person, and I ALWAYS take everything in life VERY seriously ( which is why clients LOVED me here, bc I give my heart and soul to things, 100% of the time, and when I am backstabbed, I ABORT).

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On 4/16/2023 at 4:09 PM, mariashtelle1 said:

f that was indeed a chargeback from a client and fiverr can see that you delivered everything as promised then they might reimburse you. They did it for me and for other sellers.

It is exactly that but it is now THREE DAYS since customer service said they are investigating. I find the slow service shocking bc I clearly have over 5 hours of recorded audios and over 22 art work ( all custom) attached, how long do they need tp investigate, really??? They never fixed the faulty automated software rankings of my gig so I am not that hopeful, based on PAST actions. I am a very strict engineer. I go by MATH and PAST behaviour. I came very close to leave since the software was reporting that I respond to email once every 5 days, yet I was ALWAYS responsive. They didn't fix that, never told me why that happened. Then I had another response rate going down, again, mysteriously, absolutely falsely in every way, and they didn't fix that. Now, let's say, they give me the money. Are they going to fix the completion rate that went down to 96% from 100% the minute this scammer did the charge back? NO. They won't. I also ASKED clients to cancel all their orders w me as a result of this scam and now my completion rate is at 90%, all due to this ONE SCAM. Do you think fiverr will fix that? NO. Of course not. Next, comes the demotion, I am 200% sure of it. They'll say uh SORRY, it's the automated system we cannot manually fix. The reason I was a top seller and the reason clients love me is bc I am OCD and strict and 100% inflexible. I don't EVER Make mistakes. I don't ACCEPT mistakes either, at ANY RATES. I mind my own business, do a GREAT job. deliver MUCH MORE than what people ask and pay for and ALL I HOPED Fiverr could do was to make sure their algorithms and their customer service goes smoothly and FAIRLY. FAIRNESS MEANS A LOT TO ME.

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2 hours ago, gitioracle said:

Now, let's say, they give me the money. Are they going to fix the completion rate that went down to 96% from 100% the minute this scammer did the charge back?

If you asked that in your support ticket then they will. They might or might not reimburse you but they 100% will fix your stats. 

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5 hours ago, gitioracle said:

I had no idea ANY ONE could do a charge back and be granted AFTER TWO WEEKS OF DELIVERY, because I have, quite visibly, delivered over 5 hours of audio and over 22 unique art work attached. 

Like I said, they did a chargeback through their payment provider (either PayPal or bank). With PayPal, you can easily do a chargeback for up to six months after purchase (unless they've changed the rule to make it even longer); if I remember correctly, you just need to tell them that you didn't receive goods/services you bought. I'm not sure for how long you can do a chargeback through a bank, that probably varies from bank to bank.

Fiverr literally can't stop anyone from doing a chargeback through PayPal or their bank. And once someone does that, Fiverr no longer has that money. If they reimburse you, they will be paying you out of their own pocket, so to say.

4 hours ago, gitioracle said:

I also ASKED clients to cancel all their orders w me as a result of this scam and now my completion rate is at 90%, all due to this ONE SCAM. Do you think fiverr will fix that?

If you ask them to remove the cancellation due to the chargeback from your stats, they will, because it's not your fault, the buyer violated Fiverr's Terms of Service. But I don't think they will fix the ones you have cancelled yourself, because they were mutual cancellations and you asked for them.

4 hours ago, gitioracle said:

I find the slow service shocking bc I clearly have over 5 hours of recorded audios and over 22 art work ( all custom) attached, how long do they need tp investigate, really?

Depends on their workload (keep in mind that you're not the only case they're investigating), plus someone probably needs to verify that those hours of recorded audios and all that artwork are what was agreed upon. Considering the size of your delivery, that could take a while.

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On 4/19/2023 at 6:31 PM, catwriter said:

Depends on their workload (keep in mind that you're not the only case they're investigating), plus someone probably needs to verify that those hours of recorded audios and all that artwork are what was agreed upon. Considering the size of your delivery, that could t

Thanks for your time and responses. I just moved on and created my own website that I had started programming years ago but I was sitting on it. Glad this happened. The new co is set up in a way that I won't be doing much work at all, using AI, so charge back scammer types can scam me ALL they want. Re checking audios, there is no way of checking unless they hire an expert in the ancient methods that I am an expert of, they can be my guest. Again, after selling over 300 products w 5 stars from all over the globe, and incredible reviews, all public, Fiverr is acting like a fool taking their time acting as if they are 'investigating' me. I would have probably continued selling IF they used their INSURANCE ( they have it) and paid  me in FULL, but without it, zero chance I sell to anyone on fiverr any more even if former clients begged me and offered crazy amounts, I have so many that I know will do that given where the world is headed.

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On 4/19/2023 at 4:09 PM, mariashtelle1 said:

If you asked that in your support ticket then they will. They might or might not reimburse you but they 100% will fix your stats. 

Thanks for your response. I will be SHOCKED if Fiverr ever responds to any of my requests fairly and do the right thing, after years of contacting them re any issue, I have always been disappointed. Maybe they just don't like me bc I am not desperate, I am forceful, and I am HARD to deal with. They NEED people who are willing to work under ANY situation. That is not me. So perhaps they respond to me differently, who knows, who cares. I have moved on, but if they did pay me, I MAY consider selling if some former clients begged me in a few months. I will keep the account open. If they don't, I'll delete everything and move on for good.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/19/2023 at 4:09 PM, mariashtelle1 said:

If you asked that in your support ticket then they will. They might or might not reimburse you but they 100% will fix your stats. 

They have NOT promised me anything and I am waiting for A MONTH now for the open ticket to be closed. I am moved on and at this point, I don't think I'll ever sell on Fiverr, MY TRUST IS GONE. The person was an obvious scammer, it is beyond obvious that I delivered everything perfectly and Fiverr can easily solve all of this by PAYING ME BACK USING THEIR OWN INSURANCE, we PAY 20% FOR SUCH MATTERS!.As I said, they seem to a MASSIVE PROBLEM w me, or perhaps w every competent seller, no idea why, but from day one, WEIRD things kept happening and my requests were ignored one after the other.

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  • 2 months later...
On 4/16/2023 at 9:19 AM, gitioracle said:

I know Fiverr after three years of dealing w the. They will never do that.

I had very similar cases with annoying buyers and Fiverr always helped me with this kind of cancellations and refunded the WHOLE amount of the order! So I suggest keep writing to Fiverr support group and explain the situation as clear as possible. They will investigate this case and you will get the answer and maybe the cancelled amount back as well! It takes some time, so try to be patient! Good luck!

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Fiverr customer support has to do a better job in protecting Sellers from buyers that are dishonest and abuse the system. I had the same issue on a $575 order.  Customer support does nothing even after providing proof that the buyer requested revisions just to cancel after the services have been completed and that they use multiple profiles (usernames) and have done the same to other freelancers. Very disappointed in the support given even to a seller that has over 130 orders with not one single issue. 

Buyers abuse the system for free work and the Seller is the one that loses time and money. 

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