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New (ish) Level 1 Seller


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Hi all!

Now I am a Level 1 Seller I thought I'd introduce myself.

I'm Calum - A PhD student, and data scientist. Most of my work is around speeding up processes, automating tasks, all that type of thing. I've started to get some okay success but I'd love to turn freelancing into a proper career! If anyone has tips as to how to improve my landing image, more grabbing graphics, titles, all that sort then I'd love to hear your input. I'm good at my part of things, but I'm not the best at advertising myself! So, I'd love to hear anyones input 🙂

Outside of my freelancing work, I'm a huge fan of cooking and baking, I spend a lot of time trying to advocate for positive progress in my communities, and a general all around 'person who wants to make good stuff.

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