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Gig promotion


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Hello everyone,

Hope you're doing well. I'm very much worried about my Gig. I promoted one of my gig 3 days ago. From that day, my impression and click is dropping and getting no responses from new clients. 

Why's that happening?

Thanks for your time and response in advance. 

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Yeah, it will take time. Also the amount of money you put on as your daily budget will affect how many impressions you get, so start low and slowly as you keep getting more work your way you can experiment with raising the number. Also and this is important no matter how much money you put on the ads, if you have a thumbnail and a title that is not captivating you are wasting your money because people will not click regardless.

For that I suggest you take a look at this guide I wrote and implement some of the gig optimization tips I wrote in order to make sure that what you are promoting is actually catching the attention of the people you are promoting it to:


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