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How to Increase WordPress Speed that use WooCommerce?

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The most effective way is to test your site on GTmetrix and then resolve all issues. Most efficient way is to compress your images or change them to .webp format.

Use plugin WPRocket to minify CSS and Scripts and then use a CDN network.

I hope it helps.

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15 minutes ago, imhimanshu41 said:

How to Speed Up WooCommerce?

Greetings! There are many factors that affect site speed but it doesn't directly depend upon installing woo-commerce. Here are a few things that you consider while optimizing your's or your client's Online Store(webshop).

  • Make sure to avoid installing unnecessary plugins.
  • Remove any inactive plugin/s that aren't useful
  • Avoid using Un-optimized Product Images (Optimize your images first then upload for best results)
  • Use image Compression plugins such as Smush or Smush Pro( According to your requirements/needs)
  • Invest in Reliable Hosting or Upgrade your plan (according to your level)
  • Use a good performance plugin such as WP Rocket Pro, Nitropack, etc.
  • Don't directly upload any video to your shop.

Hope you will find this helpful and got an idea to speed up sites or Online stores(Woo-commerce). If not, then feel free to get in touch with me. I will analyze and then optimize your site then I will also let you know which thing is causing the problem. Just leave your site URL in my inbox I will help you to experience a faster website than before.

Warm regards,




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The most effective way is to test your site on GTmetrix and then resolve all issues. Most efficient way is to compress your images or change them to .webpage format.


Use plugin WPRocket to minify CSS and Scripts and then use a CDN network.


I hope it helps.

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1) try deactivating or deleting unused plugins

2) try deactivating or deleting unused themes

3) try using a cache plugin like wp-optimize

4) try to compress image sizes using smush

5) try to minifying your CSS and javascript using a wp-optimize plugin

Apply all of them and just see the MAGIC.


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Here are some tips for speeding up WooCommerce:

  1. Choose a reliable hosting provider.
  2. Use a caching plugin.
  3. Optimize images.
  4. Minimize HTTP requests.
  5. Use a content delivery network (CDN).
  6. Disable unnecessary features.

Implementing these tips can help improve the speed and performance of your WooCommerce website.

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You can try these:

  • Use a Lightweight WordPress Theme
  • Optimize Images
  • Minimize HTTP Requests
  • Use a caching plugin
  • Optimize your database
  • Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN)
  • Enable Gzip Compression
  • Minify CSS and JavaScript files
  • Use a reliable web hosting service
  • Keep your WordPress website up-to-date

And you can use the WP-Rocket plugin which is premium.

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  • 5 months later...

If you are facing low WordPress Page Speed then you have to check your website server by inspecting.

  1. If the Website has a LiteSpeed Server then you should go for the LiteSpeed Cache Plugin.
  2. If the server is other than LiteSpeed then I would suggest you go for WP-Rocket and Perfmatters.
  3. Optimized the setting according to the result page. You can get the Page Speed Result Page on https://pagespeed.web.dev/.
  4. Convert your images to .webp format before uploading or you can convert the images with .webp converter plugins.
  5. You can add subdomain for your media to reduce load on a single domain. This works as a parallel domain and load shift on both domain.

I have a completed a project with 98 PageSpeed on Mobile. I am Attaching the report to that project.

If you want to increase your WordPress page speed then click on profile and send a message or purchase a gig from https://www.fiverr.com/s/blLQ4m .


Fix Core Web Vitals.png

Edited by e_dominator_
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Guest Mona Liza


ncreasing the speed of a WordPress website that uses WooCommerce is essential for providing a better user experience and improving your website's search engine rankings. Here are some steps you can take to optimize the speed of your WooCommerce site:

  1. Choose a Fast Hosting Provider:

    • Start with a reliable and fast web hosting provider. Shared hosting may not be sufficient for a WooCommerce site with a lot of products and traffic. Consider managed WordPress hosting or VPS hosting for better performance.
  2. Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN):

    • A CDN helps distribute your website's content to servers around the world, reducing server load and improving loading times for visitors in different geographical locations. Popular CDNs include Cloudflare, MaxCDN, and StackPath.
  3. Optimize Images:

    • Compress and optimize images before uploading them to your WooCommerce store. You can use plugins like Smush or EWWW Image Optimizer to automatically optimize images. Additionally, consider lazy loading images to load them only when they become visible to the user.
  4. Use Caching:

    • Implement caching to reduce server load and decrease page load times. Popular caching plugins like WP Super Cache, W3 Total Cache, or WP Rocket can help. Make sure to configure them correctly for WooCommerce compatibility.
  5. Minimize HTTP Requests:

    • Reduce the number of HTTP requests by:
      • Limiting the use of external scripts and stylesheets.
      • Combining and minifying CSS and JavaScript files.
      • Using asynchronous loading for non-essential scripts.
  6. Optimize Database:

    • Use a plugin like WP-Optimize or WP-Sweep to clean up your WordPress database by removing unnecessary data, post revisions, and spam comments.
  7. Reduce the Number of Plugins:

    • Excessive plugins can slow down your website. Regularly audit and remove unnecessary plugins. Additionally, opt for lightweight alternatives when possible.
  8. Choose a Lightweight Theme:

    • Select a WordPress theme optimized for speed. Themes such as Astra, GeneratePress, and OceanWP are known for their performance. Avoid bloated themes with excessive features you don't need.
  9. Update WordPress, WooCommerce, and Plugins:

    • Ensure that WordPress, WooCommerce, and all plugins are up to date. Developers often release updates that include performance improvements and security fixes.
  10. Use a Content Delivery System (CDS) for Media Files:

    • Offload media files (e.g., images, videos) to a content delivery system like Amazon S3 or a dedicated media hosting service. This can reduce the load on your server.
  11. Monitor and Optimize Server Resources:

    • Regularly monitor your server's resource usage (CPU, RAM, etc.) and consider upgrading your hosting plan if your website outgrows its current resources.
  12. Implement Browser Caching:

    • Configure browser caching to store static assets locally on visitors' devices, reducing the need for repeated downloads when users return to your site.
  13. Use a Lightweight E-commerce Plugin:

    • If your online store doesn't require all the features of WooCommerce, consider using a more lightweight e-commerce plugin like Easy Digital Downloads for digital products or WP Simple Cart for simpler stores.
  14. Consider a Speed Optimization Service:

    • If you're not confident in optimizing your website's speed yourself, consider hiring a professional or a service that specializes in WordPress speed optimization.
    • Sincerely,
    • thanks
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To increase the speed of your WooCommerce-powered WordPress website,

start by selecting a fast hosting provider and implementing a Content Delivery Network (CDN) for optimized server performance and reduced loading times globally.

Utilize lightweight and efficient themes and plugins, minimizing unnecessary scripts and styles. Optimize images by compressing them and use lazy loading to load images as users scroll.

Implement browser caching, enable GZIP compression, and minimize HTTP requests. Regularly update your WordPress, WooCommerce, and plugins to access performance improvements. Lastly, consider database optimization and employ a reliable caching plugin to store static content, enhancing overall site speed.

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Here are some tips on how to increase WordPress speed that uses WooCommerce:

  1. Choose a good hosting provider. Your hosting provider plays a big role in the speed of your website. Choose a hosting provider that specializes in WordPress and WooCommerce, and that offers features like SSD storage and caching.
  2. Use a cache plugin. A cache plugin stores static copies of your website's pages, so that they can be served to visitors more quickly. There are many different cache plugins available, but some of the most popular include WP Rocket, LiteSpeed Cache, and Hummingbird Pro.
  3. Optimize your images. Images can be one of the biggest contributors to slow page load times. Make sure to optimize your images for the web by compressing them and using the right file format. You can also use a plugin like Smush or Imagify to help you with this task.
  4. Minify your CSS and JavaScript. Minifying your CSS and JavaScript files can reduce their size and improve page load times. There are many different plugins available that can help you with this task, such as Autoptimize and WP-Optimize.
  5. Reduce the number of plugins and themes. The more plugins and themes you're using, the slower your website will be. Try to only use the plugins and themes that you really need.

Keep your WordPress core, plugins, and themes up to date. Outdated WordPress core, plugins, and themes can contain security vulnerabilities and performance issues. Make sure to keep everything up to date to ensure the best possible performance and security.

In addition to the above tips, there are a few other things you can do to speed up your WooCommerce store:

  1. Configure WooCommerce settings. There are a number of WooCommerce settings that can affect performance. For example, you can disable features that you don't need, such as product reviews or product comparisons. You can also optimize your product page load time by keeping the number of product reviews and variations to a minimum.
  2. Use a CDN. A CDN (content delivery network) can help to speed up your WooCommerce store by delivering static content, such as images, CSS, and JavaScript files, from servers that are located closer to your visitors.
  3. Optimize your database. Over time, your WordPress database can become cluttered with unused data. This can slow down your website. You can use a plugin like WP-Optimize to clean up your database and improve performance.

By following these tips, you can significantly improve the speed of your WordPress WooCommerce store. For more information, you can check this: https://www.fiverr.com/s/rlmX8P

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