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My Promotional Gig Is not Working For the Last Couple of Month!



I have a gig that has enabled the Promotion Feature for the last 6 months, everything was going great, but for the last 1 month, I have not gotten any clicks or impressions from the promotion! What's the problem with the promotion feature? how to solve the issue?

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3 answers to this question

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If your promotion feature has stopped getting clicks or impressions, there could be a few reasons such as competition, market changes or technical issues. To solve the issue, you may need to adjust your gig description, title, or pricing to make it more competitive, consider offering new services, or contact the platform's support team to check for technical issues.

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On 4/3/2023 at 10:06 PM, kazi_talat said:

I have a gig that has enabled the Promotion Feature for the last 6 months, everything was going great, but for the last 1 month, I have not gotten any clicks or impressions from the promotion! What's the problem with the promotion feature? how to solve the issue?

It probably happened due to your 4.3* rating which you got 3 weeks ago and other possibility is negative private feedback even you have provided excellent work.. So it is recommended to improve your services and deliver quality work to make your buyers happy/satisfied! 

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On 4/3/2023 at 1:06 PM, kazi_talat said:

I have a gig that has enabled the Promotion Feature for the last 6 months, everything was going great, but for the last 1 month, I have not gotten any clicks or impressions from the promotion! What's the problem with the promotion feature? how to solve the issue?

promotion service will stop working when your performance drop

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