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1 hour ago, nick_named said:

Hi everyone ! 

Created my first gig, so excited ! 

Any advice, roast, feedback, is welcomed ! 🙂 


add some more text in the description or your clients will not understand what you are selling , sincerely? I don't understand what you are selling...

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Your gig is in graphics & design->illustration but your gig title doesn't say anything about that. Your gig description (which is too short) doesn't say anything about what you do in the gig, the same with your package descriptions. Also "headacke" is spelt incorrectly in the gig title.

If your gig is for illustration and animations (you have both in your gallery) then it would be better to split the gig so that you can have the animation one in the "video & animation" category.
Also if there are famous people in one of your gig images then you'd need the right rights for that. It would be simpler to change it to one that doesn't have those people in.

Also your gig video gets cropped on the profile due to the aspect ratio.

Edited by uk1000
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