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How to get frist order in Fiverr


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52 minutes ago, sahadevadhik913 said:

Any one here can help me to get first order?

Welcome to Fiverr Forum. First of all, try to follow the TS and CS of Fiverr. Keep patience and just try to do social media marketing daily and also try to GIG optimize with better images. It will help you get new orders. Best wishes to you. 😊

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2 hours ago, sahadevadhik913 said:

Any one here can help me to get first order?

You have just started a thread stating that you're a lead generation expert and B2B specialist?  If this were the case you wouldn't be struggling for orders as this is your 'bread and butter' expertise.

If you can't help yourself, how can you be expected to deliver a quality service to your customers?

Edited by breals
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  • 1 month later...

You get briefs if Fiverr thinks your gig is relevant and a good match for a buyer's needs. In other words, make sure your gigs are well optimized to let the algorithm know what your service is all about and deliver high-quality services to ensure a high buyer satisfaction rate (happy buyers = more buyers). 

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10 hours ago, sahadevadhik913 said:

My gig is ranking but not get orders now. I want suggestion what can do? Please give me advice.

You need to work on your gig images because they are not attractive for buyers. Portray your portfolio in a creative way. Secondly you have chosen a highly competitive niche i.e. WordPress so you need to work on your gigs to make them more stand out. For this, you can do some research on Fiverr regarding your niche.

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2 hours ago, smartdezigns said:

You need to work on your gig images because they are not attractive for buyers. Portray your portfolio in a creative way. Secondly you have chosen a highly competitive niche i.e. WordPress so you need to work on your gigs to make them more stand out. For this, you can do some research on Fiverr regarding your niche.

According to my opinion, his gig is ranking means he is getting impressions. If he do not get the clicks & knocks, then we can say that there are some issues with the image and descriptions. But if he is getting clicks & impression but not getting the order, then his communication skill  & portfolio is not good enough. Here, he should improve his communication skill & portfolio.

Edited by xotatech
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On 5/13/2023 at 12:37 AM, sahadevadhik913 said:

My gig is ranking but not get orders now. I want suggestion what can do? Please give me advice.

If your gig is ranking but you're not getting orders, there are several things you can try to improve your chances of getting sales. Here are a few suggestions: Improve your gig description, Optimize your pricing, Promote your gig, Offer excellent customer service, and Expand your service offerings. Best of luck

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 5/14/2023 at 11:48 PM, engineer_anam said:

decribe offers clearly in your gig description 
charge less price than others and try to stay active or online as much as you can

sometime buyer search sellers by filter online ..

In My opinion charging less then he deserve is a injustice to himself. He can check the other gigs of his category and get the best pricing that will be justify his work. It will be a Win Win Situation for him and his clients


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