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how to get a work in logo design


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3 minutes ago, likheshdesign said:

hi feiends , I am a new one ,  how to get a work in logo design ? can you suggesst some tips

You 're in one of the most competitive niches on Fiverr.  At last count there were nearly 300,000 logo designers on the platform, which is 1/3 of the total Fiverr workforce. 

Because of this, your customers can afford to be choosy, and the slightest error can put them off.  Including:

1) For a logo designer, I think your gig image is poor

2) Your gig image has a spelling mistake on it

3) You claim to be fluent in English when this isn't the case

4) Your gig description is littered with errors.

5) Where are your logo examples?  Use all of your image allocation to showcase your best work.


I'm afraid that until you correct these, you will have very little chance of even being considered by a potential buyer. 

Ignore everyone that tells you to share your gig on social media until you get the 'quality basics' right, otherwise you're just wasting your time and giving yourself false hope.

Good luck! 


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