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Gig denied, account flagged, no reason explained



Hey guys, I really need advice. 
I had a gig offering Pinterest management for about 2-3 months, had orders, hreat reviews.. After those 3 months I changed the prices only, saved the gig and it got banned right away (my account was not flagged that time yet). So I reached out to Fiverr’s support and I asked them to explain the issue. They said I was violating Pinterest terms by offering repins (pinning other people’s content into my clients’ board). First I tried to argue this, even the top sellers on Etsy offering this service include repins in their descriptions.. but OK I told myself I will do what they said. So I went ahead and read the TOS again and created a new gig, really making sure everything is in accordance with the TOS and Community Standards - offering simply monthly Pinterest account management - I don’t promise any followers, any likes - In my offer I said I will create content, SEO optimise the account and manage it…. Immediately after posting the gig I got a message saying my account was flagged because “the service you are offering is prohibited by our Community Standards”. I am hopeless and frustrated. I texted Fiverr’s support. Alls they did was send me a link saying “read more about the Gig denisl reason”… and “you are welcome to create a new Gig that is in line with our guidelines”. But noone answered my question. I have no idea what I did wrong. I read the TOS and community standards like 30 times telling myself I am stupid for not understanding.. But there is nothing I did wrong. I checked the top level sellers gigs and they offer the same thing. Now I am scared that when I create a new gig, this will happen again since I have NO IDEA what I did wrong. Please help someone 😞 I am desperate.

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I did that. Repins are more than welcomed on Pinterest. If people couldn’t pin other people’s content, there would be no point in Pinterest at all. It doesn’t violate their tos.. Also, the second time when I made the gig I deliberately avoided using the word repins. 

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