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How to get my first order?


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You didn't share your gig so I can't offer tailored suggestions on how to improve it.

In general:

  • Professional gig pics
    • If you can show off work samples, please do
    • If not, you can get some pretty good pictures from stock photo websites
  • Make sure your gig description and title are clear, and describes what you do
    • Do not clickbait clients
    • Make sure your sentences are grammatically correct (you can use quillbot.com or eilla.ai to help you rewrite your sentences, I personally use eilla.ai)
  • Intro video for your gig
    • You should try to feature yourself in the video, people are more willing to trust someone when they've seen their face
  • Try to price yourself above the average market price
    • If everyone's selling at $5, clients can't tell the difference between ordering from you or someone else
    • Try to make yourself look more professional (i.e. more professional gig pics, offer additional features in your gig packages) and charge a higher rate
    • Differentiate yourself from the market

Good luck!

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