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Changing the gig price



I have two gigs in same category . Through those gigs, i am providing the same services. Now I want to change the price of those two gigs.

Regarding that, I have some questions as follows:

  1.  If I change the price of my gig, is there any chance of losing gig rank?
  2.  As there are two gigs in the same category, it is not possible for me to change both gig prices at a same time. If I change one gig price, then the other prices will be different. Because offering the same service at different prices is not permitted on Fiverr, what is the best way for me to change the price of my gig?

If I change the price in a normal way, there is a good chance that Gig by Fiverr will be removed.
Thanks in advance 

Please let me know if you have knowledge about these topics

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