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MOUSE EP done via Fiverr. 6 short punky tracks All mixed / Mastered and Video'd on FiVERR


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MOUSE EP Fiverr Story

After recording our 1/2 Wig EP down to ipad ourselves we set out on our Fiverr journey for everything else !

Mixed and Mastered brilliantly on Fiverr by the very professional Prosounds (who stuck with us like a trooper)

6 tracks, sounding great and ready to go ! it was now video time 🙂 and we began to make 6 separate videos via Fiverr.

For Video 1 ‘Roll UP’ we went for ‘Michaeljonesdvd’ . . who made an amazing , hilarious and rather scary dark workout video which looks more like a terrorist training vid. He totally loved doing as it was very different from the majority of his gigs.

The second video gig we bought was for a Panda to dance to our track ‘Politicians’ done by ‘Djemotion’ , which is cool as we use a Panda as kinda our Logo image.

For the third video we found the amazing ‘Crazyishan’, who searched some jungle somewhere in the world and found our printed out logo and proceeded to dance in time enthusiastically in a grass skirt ! to our Track ‘Warping’ (peace) Which is actually sung in Chinese , so a real worldy mix has gone into this one. Classic video.

‘Moon Room’ (about Aliens/Ufo’s etc) was our 4th which we subtitled ‘Moo Room’ , after buying some footage of Cows on Fiverr and edited them into this 1 minute track. Funny and kinda surreal 🙂

For ‘Bankers’ we went for the MOUSEtaches . . 2 moustachios showing off their follicular fortitude in time to the track via ‘Scubaboynate’. Classic and hilarious . . they had fun doing it too and you can almost see them crack up as the camera switches between them.

Finally we made a proper video of us for ‘Bomb in Your Fridge’ and had us shot at and blown up via Fiverr by ‘Coopyears’ with his clever video effects.

We love the results , you can view all the videos here http://www.youtube.com/user/Mousebanduk

Fiverr has been a great creative journey.

Love, Peace and Cheddar Cheese MOUSE


NB: . . . just to add . . we did try other gigs for videos , they just either didnt work or suit , but its been cool to experiment with more lateral ideas and see what happens.


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