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Account restricted





My account got restricted and got the mail

This message is to let you know that our system disabled your Fiverr account for violations of our Terms of Service.

As a result, your account is currently under review by our Trust and Safety team. During the period of the review, you will be able to complete your active orders. However, you cannot place or receive new orders and you cannot communicate with users, other than your Buyers/Sellers within an active order. This decision was taken after careful consideration and cannot be undone.

The Fiverr team “

a day prior to that i completed a order and they were saying they liked my service (i do 3d modeling with blender), i knew i cannot tell them for good review and but i have seen a top rated seller saying in his youtube video that we can at least say them to leave a review and i did and they replied “i will give u 5 star”. Thats the most likely reason i got restricted, i never got an warning, will i get my account back? (I dont know if i can share a screenshot of the chat or not)

3 answers to this question

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3 hours ago, rahuljurel2429 said:

i have seen a top rated seller saying in his youtube video that we can at least say them to leave a review and i did and they replied “i will give u 5 star”

You trust a random person? Don't. 

Don't ask for a review, especially mention stars or anything like that. It shows you influenced the buyer and that automatically triggers the Fiverr sytem. Hopefully you get your account back, but obviously we don't know exactly what happened so you have to wait for Fiverr on this one.

3 hours ago, rahuljurel2429 said:

i have seen a top rated seller saying in his youtube video that we can at least say them to leave a review

What may be fine for a top rated or a Pro seller isn't always fine for the rest of us.

3 hours ago, rahuljurel2429 said:

will i get my account back?

Nobody knows what's going to happen in the future. You will have to wait for the outcome of the review.

3 hours ago, rahuljurel2429 said:

that we can at least say them to leave a review and i did and they replied “i will give u 5 star”. Thats the most likely reason i got restricted, i never got an warning, will i get my account back? (I dont know if i can share a screenshot of the chat or not)

In theory, maybe, you can ask. If you take a look at diverse forum threads, however, you'll probably get to the conclusion that it might be a better idea not to. Well, obviously, you can, but you risk consequences if you do. 

Following the "instructions" of just one random person without verifying, is often a bad idea.

Generally, I'd definitely not recommend asking for feedback to anyone whose English isn't impeccable, and may leave room for a buyer to misunderstand, feel pressured in any way.

Personally, I'm not a fan of asking for feedback at all, and I don't. People have different thresholds. I've ordered from a TRS a while ago, and they asked for feedback. Right when I actually was in the very act of formulating a nice one. I'm a very unpushy person myself, and it seriously made me consider to not leave feedback. I did, in the end, because I'm mainly a seller and know how helpful feedback is, but I'd probably not have left it had I just been on Fiverr as a buyer. And while I wouldn't have gone as far as reporting them for asking (they didn't ask for five stars or anything the like, in a quasi-manipulative way, which probably is the main issue with the "asking for feedback" practice", just for a review, after all, even though the way it was done, an additional message, not just by the by in the necessary delivery message, etc., did annoy me), you never know, some buyers might.

Or support might look at the conversation for some other reason and think it crosses the boundaries, even it it might just be a language or cultural barrier at work.

That's one additional POV, from another random TRS.

If it's what you say, and you just asked in a very neutral and not pushy way, I think you have a good chance of keeping your account. If it's something else, or they noticed something else while reviewing your account, which might violate some or other rule or policy, of course, no way of telling.

If you won't get your account back and really think you've been wronged and have a case to make, I'd recommend to not open another account to appeal via support ticket (might be counted as another violation of terms), but do it via direct email to support. 

edited to add:

As for sharing screenshots, it should be fine, as long as you blur or something usernames or other identifiable information.


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