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I mistakenly clicked on a fiverr mail notification intended for my sister



Hello all..

I am a seller on fiverr and so is my sister. My sister's phone is just so bad so she doesn't get to open her fiverr as always as it should be. Literally, she forgot that she had a fiverr account. Due to her fault phone, her gmail account with which she receives notification from fiver is logged in on my phone, that means I have 2 different email addresses logged in in my phone.

Now, the problem is, just this morning, she got a fiverr notification on her mail (which is of course logged on my phone) that she got a message from a buyer. Not minding to check whether the mail notification was for me or my sister, I impulsively and unintentionally clicked on the mail and that directed me to my own personal FIVERR ACCOUNT ON MY MOBILE APP and on my own phone IP address. I only saw the buyer with no message for me, I thought it was a spam and fiverr deleted it (this had happened several times to me)

So, I am just inquisitive and a bit scared at the same time, will this harm my own personal account since I clicked on a link that was not intended for me? 

Your response is highly appreciated...

Edited by fiverrmonster
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