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Response rate continues to drop despite getting back to every client


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I honestly have no idea what I'm doing wrong, I've contacted the support team and I've just gotten the generic response telling me I need to respond within a certain time frame (which I have been doing).

It drops by 1% every week or so, I've scoured all of my inboxes (even the spam) and can't find one I haven't responded to. I don't want to lose my level 1 status over something that isn't my fault.


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4 hours ago, dylanb_vo said:

I don't want to lose my level 1 status over something that isn't my fault.

I dont think you understood how response rate is calculated. Is not based on the amount of chats you replied from the total you have in your inbox, but instead is based on your responses over the past 60days. 

This means if you had 100people contacting you till today and to one you didn't reply in the allowed time frame (I think 24h) your rate will drop by 1% so will be 99%, but in the following weeks if your're not contacted by the same amount of people (100 buyers) but let's say only 80 buyers, your % is not anymore calculated on 100 buyers, but on 80 instead.

So to make it simple: 

you have 100chats over the last 60days, didn't reply to 1 = 99% response rate

you have 2chats over the last 60days, didn't reply to 1 = 50% response rate


Edited by roxana_nesfintu
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Ideally, you should respond to your clients within 1 hour after they have initiated a chat. If you delay by more than an hour you will see a drop in your response rate. 

If it helps, you can set the auto reply feature from the chat section, then your clients will received the automated text immediately.

Another advice is that never reply to spam messages. Block them immediately and you will not have a reduced response rate.


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Hey Dylan,

I kinda had the same problem for a while and tried to go through all my messages to see if I was later than the 24h and tried to calculate it etc.. but even though it felt like I answered on time, every time.. I realised that I didn't. It's really bad to loose the level because of something like this and I did too, but since I focus on answering right away, I never had a problem about it again.

But if you feel like you really did answer everyone no later than 24h, feel free to check the messages for the last 60 days yourself and try to calculate it 🙂

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