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Fiverr 2023 Search Algorithm


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A notification that Frank posted, and

19 minutes ago, andymoorevoice said:

The title mentions the algo

made me think that I can settle down for a long Fiverr 5.0 read now. Oh well. But thanks for the recommendation to not dm, anyway, Frank 😉


Yes, I have a tip, do the best you can to make your Gig and profile seem worth a "raising talent" badge to Fiverr.

Be realistic, don't promise illegal, against Fiverr's ToS, (to you) impossible, or highly incredible things if you have no means to back them up.

Starting out, and without any social proof yet, give the means you do have at your disposal, use your Gig images to "show not tell" your potential customers what you can do for them (but don't use other people's credentials for that, again, don't do anything that's illegal and/or against Fiverr's terms).


Also, Well I'm on the Downeaster Alexa. (Ignore this, if you have no idea what the heck I'm talking or who or what Billy Joel is, it's an, err, forum insider joke, or not.)

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Just now, corsogr said:


Do Absolute Beginners (caps in honour to David Bowie, to balance referring Billy Joel, not to draw attention on anything else!) get the "Fiverr's Choice" badge? If yes, then both, OP said they are a "New Seller", that made me think "Raising Talent" should be more probable.

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1 hour ago, corsogr said:

I've managed to crack the Fiverr algorithm for 2023. It wasn't easy at all. Now all the secrets are mine to keep.

#fiverr #fiverralgorithm



Kindly let us know that were you able to get orders with the help of it? Since 2016, you have earned 72 reviews? and your last delivery was 26 days ago!

Please don't focus on YouTube videos etc. It's better to read the topics in the Forum where seniors and experienced/professionals have shared their experience and guided us!

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1 minute ago, corsogr said:

Well then, why don't you ask for this from the so-called experienced/professionals? 😉

Why should I ask as I am not facing this issue neither I have any issue! I am asking you that were you able to get orders with the help of the video which you posted? (gig ranked then you got orders)?

No. Right? 

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