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Fiverr cancelled my order without any explanation and don't allow me to withdraw my money


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I developed an app for $560 USD with many functions and sent videos in Fiverr chat of every function of the app. The order was auto completed because at the 9th delivery the client forgot to review my work. I had to include 9 revisions even though I offered just 3 because Fiverr allows buyers to use that function without limits.
The buyer all that had to do was to execute the command "expo start" but he tipped expo star (without t at the end), the console told him the command was with a T but he used that to say the app wasn't working. 
He just refused to try again typing the command correctly. Then he used that to say the app wasn't working and told me he was going to ask for a refund (without even opening my last delivery).
Fiverr offered to mediate between us and we have been dealing with this for over 2 weeks, I'm attaching all the interactions. The client had to present proof of his claims and we were waiting for that but  he never did. Then 3 days ago Fiverr just stopped answering me and now I receive an email saying the order was canceled, and to know the reason click here, but the link doesn't work...
If that wasn't unfair enough, Fiverr disabled the function to withdraw my money including what has nothing to do with this order, and now that they issued a refund they are still not allowing me to withdraw my funds. This is extremely messed up.
This is more than unfair, it's an abuse, part allowed by Fiver and part of the abuse is made 100% by them.
So sellers be aware... I really don't understand how they allow to scam so easily, when I googled fiverr scam I was shocked to see that this kind of scam has been going on for so long and they don't do anything against it, in fact they do more in favor of scammers.
Edited by ptrgar
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  • ptrgar changed the title to Fiverr cancelled my order without any explanation and don't allow me to withdraw my money

I have to add something I just discovered:

The client is using my app, in fact he sent my app to somebody else on Fiverr in order to add a few little things. He cannot claim he is not using my work.

So now I'm 100% sure of being scammed.

Captura de pantalla 2022-12-28 a la(s) 11.23.42.png

Captura de pantalla 2022-12-28 a la(s) 11.39.41.png

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13 hours ago, ptrgar said:

I had to include 9 revisions even though I offered just 3 because Fiverr allows buyers to use that function without limits.

You shouldn't have. I always leave a reminder when I deliver that the package only includes x amount of free revisions, and if they need any extra revision, it would be charged. That highly discourages this kind of behavior, I never had a customer ask for more than the two revisions I offer. 


14 minutes ago, ptrgar said:

The client is using my app, in fact he sent my app to somebody else on Fiverr in order to add a few little things. He cannot claim he is not using my work

You just were very unlucky this whole situation is coinciding with the Christmas holidays and CS are slower during these times. Try and report this with proof once again. They should do something because buyers are not supposed to use your work if they cancelled the order.

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19 minutes ago, moonstaredits said:

You shouldn't have. I always leave a reminder when I deliver that the package only includes x amount of free revisions, and if they need any extra revision, it would be charged. That highly discourages this kind of behavior, I never had a customer ask for more than the two revisions I offer. 


You just were very unlucky this whole situation is coinciding with the Christmas holidays and CS are slower during these times. Try and report this with proof once again. They should do something because buyers are not supposed to use your work if they cancelled the order.

Thank you, and I agree that they should do something, even more considering that he used their own platform to pass my work to another seller.

I sent the screenshots to CS.

But reading about fiverr scams I read more than one case where the scammer is selling on Amazon and other places the product they stole and Fiverr didn't do anything. If this is my case I will never be back on Fiverr, it would mean that it's just infested with scammer but that Fiverr IS a scam.

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Today I discovered another proof the scammer is using my code.

Not only he used Fiverr and the same account to ask for a modification to another developer.

I just discovered that he is working with my code because I found it on github, on a public repository 😆.

The same date he told CS that the app didn't work at all, he was uploading the code to github with little modifications. I compared his code with mine and he just changed 5  lines of code (5 of literally thousands lines of code) that have nothing to do with functionality, he just modified an image and deleted a table from one screen and put it into another. That's all...

With all this evidence I think Fiverr must cancel his refund and give me my money back. He tried to scam me but he also tried to scam Fiverr twice (the first one was when he asked me to do this job outside of Fiverr).

Needless to say that Fiverr still don't answer, I've been waiting for 5 days now.... 

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