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@wajihamalik01  Are you really proposing to use a translation website to translate text for your potential customers???????   And charging them for it? That's what your gig images are implying?  

It's no wonder you have no customers. Why would anyone want to buy that when they can do it themselves??

Also, you want to get orders to fullfil demand?  No one is buying your gigs, therefore there is no demand for your services.   

Edited by breals
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If you really want to offer that... *Must not call out scammers 🤮* --then your prices are outrageous. If you translate using software, then offer it for something like 50,000 words for $5. Maybe then people would be interested.

Edited by vibronx
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you put down you only speak english and Urdu in your profile. People are not going to order a translation service if you don't speak their languages and don't tell them your proficiency in it. Im sure if you update your profile and add all the other languages you know in there something interesting will happen.. As for using a free translation service. you can't charge people for that. How do you think google will respond if they discover someone is charging for a service they offer free of charge and what are you going to do if someone ask you translate slang or colloquial language? 

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