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Nearly reach the TRS badge requirement but unexpectedly the Top gig was removed β€‹πŸ˜”β€‹


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it's been a long time, I'm not active here. Had passed a really bad time. A couple of months ago, one night I got a notification from the Fiverr app that my gig is denied.πŸ˜’ I was clueless. The first question I had in mind was, What wrong step I did do, Did I break any rules? The moment I got a notification I contact Fiverr support to know what happened.😌 

They replied I have not aligned with their terms and service. I was not convinced so I asked them again. I was looking for a specific reason. Then they told me You used a sentence in your gig description which was "lifetime plugin activation" which is not in line with our guidelines and the Gig is not given a second chance - permanently remaining denied and inaccessible.Β 

Before this action I was doing really good. There was no chance to get back my top gig which has 155 positive feedback. My TRS dream goes far away now.  😲I was totally broken. You know how hard it is to rank a Gig. It took me more than 2 and half years.

Anyway, It's been a dream to achieve a TRS badge, So I started a new journey, and created another new gig. I really don't know when I can reach but I will try. 😊

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19 hours ago, rajibbapy said:

Then they told me You used a sentence in your gig description which was "lifetime plugin activation"

You cannot possibly guarantee lifetime activation. You made a promise that you cannot keep, and this was likely deemed to be false information, thus your gig was removed. Don't make promises and guarantees that are physically impossible to satisfy.

19 hours ago, rajibbapy said:

Before this action I was doing really good.

This is probably because Fiverr had not yet discovered your false promise.

19 hours ago, rajibbapy said:

You know how hard it is to rank a Gig.

Gigs are not ranked on Fiverr. There is no set rank in the Fiverr search system. That's not how Fiverr works.


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You cannot possibly guarantee lifetime activation. You made a promise that you cannot keep, and this was likely deemed to be false information, thus your gig was removed. Don't make promises and guarantees that are physically impossible to satisfy.

Yeah but here, I got this promise from the third party companies and whenever clients are looking for a plugins they are looking for a product which they don't need to repay again after purchasing it. The companies it's called developer license or lifetime activation. So I mentioned it but it's my fault.Β 



Gigs are not ranked on Fiverr. There is no set rank in the Fiverr search system. That's not how Fiverr works.

I don't think profile ranks. I know ranking is dynamic. It will fluctuate. So how fiverr gigs shown on the search result based on what metrix? If you share your valuable opinion. I will be glad to know. Thank you!

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@rajibbapyΒ Sorry to hear about your troubles.

However, we are hosted by Fiverr and have to abide by the rules. As @jonbaasΒ explained to you, it is physically impossible to keep the 'lifetime' promise.

Look on the bright side!

As far as I can tell, you did not receive a formal warning.

Your profile still carries all of its reviews and people can see that you are experienced.

If you were able to have a popular gig once, chances are that you will achieve this again.

Knowledge and experience are hard-gained treasures. They do not go away until we do.

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  • 2 months later...

this is really sad.. This also happened to me last week.. am suppose to complete the TRS this month...Β  my promotion gig feature and seller plus option was stopped,Β  i noticed my gigs was removed from the first page . it was moved to last page without any reason..Β  there was no cancellations or bad reviews..



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