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Let's talk about this ChatGPT Ai



ChatGPT is getting very popular around the globe. And with this growing popularity, there is a very high probability that it might start affecting freelance writers.

Right now, we can easily see how this Ai can make short work writing about anything , even very complex topics. As a freelance writer I feel a a bit scared and worried about this development and how it can affect the future of this industry. 

Am I the only one feeling this way, and what do you guys really think about this ChatGPT Ai? 

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9 hours ago, breals said:

UK universities and colleges are already giving people the heads up this if they use chatGPT for any sort of academic writing, they will be harshly disciplined. 

I hope the same thing is going on in ANY universities/schools around the world!!

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just an update here. I have been using bard and have had access to it for a while. for full disclosure. I'm not part of the release to the U.S or UK and as many of you know I don't live in the UK or U.S at the moment. I do have "associations" at Google going back to school and Uni. It is way faster than chatGPT (because everyone and his dog does not have access..yet) but it has some upsides and downsides. some of the questions you ask do provide more accurate answers but google does have its own employees training it as well, partly due to the issues when they first did a public demo. There are restrictions like with chatGPT but I have not resorted to asking any puerile questions related to adult content to see if it will go that far. it does seem ok with technical content but it still needs to be fact-checked in places. At the moment there are a lot of extensions that will work with chatGPT including giving it internet access and getting it to fact-check itself with references. Bard will not provide references in some instances & I don't know why yet. ( bard does have real-time access). Generally, at the moment, I think they are roughly the same, with what is publically available. I don't think anyone who is good at what they do has anything to worry about for now.

Bard 2.png


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Yes, I was freaked out at first, but also completely fascinated. When a friend of mine sent me audio of my own voice that I definitely did not do myself, I think I was stunned for 3 days straight but also showing everyone I knew about it to see if they could be fooled. And they were. Every time. Now, it's not perfect. The audio quality is poor and export in mp3 only but... Eventually and potentially, voice actors here on Fiverr could be phased out.

There is no other choice (in my mind) but to embrace it. So, I thought on it long and hard and created my own voice clone. If AI is going to put me out of business, then I'm going to put myself out of business first! (lol)
I take it as an opportunity to explore future possibilities to turn other passions into money.

Content is King right now, and probably always will be. Think outside the box. Make a team of other potentially phased out sellers and create your own content using AI. Quality content will always win. And who better to dish it out than the people who actually know quality from their own arduous education and experience? You.

I think most people using AI to write books, articles, voice overs, art... they don't actually know what they're doing and have no prior experience in the area they want to make money on. That's YOUR edge. Use it!

I think I'll write a complete post of how I'm doing this soon.

Making an edit here: I do NOT use my clone on Fiverr. It's very poor quality compared to a human voice. As a professional actor of 15 years, I'm the better option over my own clone. I plan to use it to supplement my own voice for my Self-published books. Since the clone sounds like me, I can easily replace weird and robotic parts the clone inevitably makes... all the time.

Edited by easymedia
typos and clarificaton
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54 minutes ago, easymedia said:

Since the clone sounds like me, I can easily replace weird and robotic parts the clone inevitably makes... all the time.

Couldn't the robotic sounding parts be reduced by training it with a longer duration sample (if that's possible with what you're using), so it might produce less of those robotic sounds in future outputs? The more words it has a sample of the better it should be able to output I assume.

Edited by uk1000
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1 minute ago, uk1000 said:

Couldn't the robotic sounding parts be reduced by training it with a longer duration sample, so it might produce less of those robotic sounds in future outputs?

To a point. Right now, ElevenLabs has a limit of 25 samples you can upload per "voice," and there's a size limit per sample. I've maxed out two kinds of "tones" of my own voice. It's very time consuming, but by the end of it... nearly indistinguishable. Even importing high quality audio files, the export is mp3, has a grainy sound to it, and the cloned voice itself has a slight reverb-y quality that lacks the warmth/depth of a human voice when you compare my recorded audio with the clone. 

And then there is the "acting." Now, I'm not gonna lie, it does a decent job of "emoting" but nowhere near what I can manage. I can also make several acting choices for dialogue (which is the clone's weakest link so far) that the clone just can't manage. The tools to change pitch or tone are not the best. The clone also reads very fast. Too fast. 

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"It also said that since there was no way to verify the age of users, the app "exposes minors to absolutely unsuitable answers compared to their degree of development and awareness"."

That feels like an entirely valid cause to demand a ban over. Italy raised a lot of good concerns in addition to that. I'm pro-AI and I think Italy's move is helpful to the industry given what's on their list of demands. Everyone's rushing for the best functionality at the cost of everything else in order to get the most marketshare/beat out competitors. The AI industry needs to pause and do this type of work to prove it's not going to risk to society for its own ends. 

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they also mentioned GDPR compliance.  This could be pretty bad. in case you are not aware a couple of years ago Austria stated that Google analytics was not GDPR compliant and banned its use "as is" (meaning a lot of modifications were needed) and then France and italy. A very big company I was working with in France (not on here) was threatened with a fine in the region of 20 million euros if they did not comply and google analytics 4 doesn't comply either. you can read more about this here tutanota.com/blog/posts/is-google-analytics-illegal if they pursue this route of GDPR compliance its going to be very hard for chatpgpt to comply with, at least in the short term in Europe. having said that I cant seem them enforcing it besides stopping people downloading it. 

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I haven't used the chat GPT but I didn't think it can currently output images/audio/videos. If you want those other things created then (unless there's add on-thing for chat gpt but I don't know) you're best using other AI apps.

eg. if you want images then you could use stable diffusion/midjourney etc. - though there are some lawsuits related to them currently.

You could watch the video on this page which is related to some of these things:


For videos stable diffusion and similar could be used but they might not produce very consistent videos (ie. things might change a lot frame to frame) - and there's still the lawsuits with it. You could search youtube for things like that too. Though you can check Fiverr too in the AI sections to see what sort things can currently be produced with those types of apps/ai models. The video about shows runwayml being used to edit videos though (not create them from scratch) and creating audio files with AI (text to speech).

Edited by uk1000
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Nowadays, technology may have become a crucial part of our everyday life. It significantly shaped our culture, behavior, and thinking that one can't compare the behavior of the current generation from the old generation. How has the increasing integration of technology into everyday life subtly reshaped our concepts of privacy, autonomy, and the boundaries of the self?

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that might be kinda true because AI isnt that advanced yet and but atleast AI models like midjourney and stable diffusion can generate high quality images

many jobs will be done by ai rather than humans such as graphic designing, programming, transporation, manufacturing and assembly line jobs and repetitive tasks

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Guest amethystblac_

My impression of ChatGPT:

  • It's useful but only to a degree to generate content. Many suggestions are too childish in their naivety for practical usage. 
  • Its written content is absolutely weak. Once rewritten concisely, a fleck of meat is rarely left on the bones.
  • The content takes a skewed view of certain topics, typically embracing the elitist way of viewing this world over that of the typical user/writer. (i.e., some topics cannot be discussed open-mindedly and with awareness (aka, truthfully)
  • It often makes grammatical errors
  • It often makes false statements.
  • It cannot be depended on to do math.
  • It IS great for creating a framework article, where every sentence will be replaced but the body is already there.

The greatest skill of ChatGPT clones is RHETORIC. Upon reading an article until deeply considered and rewritten concisely, it looks as if it is really meaty. For the most part, it reads rather well, and it feels like the content is saying something. Ultimately though, no. Any feeling of entertainment a good writer may initially get from it is quickly lost. 

The definition I use for rhetoric in this instance is having a decent enough article structure with a nice flow, and administering an elitist message.

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It's like having a knowledgeable assistant at your fingertips, ready to provide information, answer questions, or help with various tasks. Whether you need a quick fact-check, help with creative writing, a programming guide, or just want to engage in a meaningful conversation, ChatGPT AI is always ready to lend a helping hand. Its ability to understand context and provide coherent answers is truly impressive. It is a valuable resource for both ordinary users and professionals looking for reliable information and support.

For me, it helps me organize my time, reduces my time at work, and many other useful things I described above)

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Today I like many other users of fiverr received an email about the start of an AI hub and many community support options as well. This was really exciting news for me as I am brushing up on some AI topics like math and statistics. I still remember back in the day when I was in my early stages of  software development career, having to work with a statistician who was trying to predict droughts in parts of the country, she would often use terms like saas softwares etc and names of many formulas that I found hard to fathom.

Today the same approach of collecting large data and feeding in to various models(aka algorithms) has come up but because of internet(people have easy access to amazing research work easily) and the visual way it is being presented it all seems like magic, for many people in statistics and  mathematics it is a validation of their stand point that eventually its not the software but age old statistics and maths that will define future.

Today you can not progress in field of AI with out first knowing maths and statistics…

So I would say that any one looking to switch over to the new AI economy , its a good time to do so, it is in many ways not a major switch at all, you just have to brush up on your high school and university under grad math and and statistics and take some python classes, python is really easy to learn yet powerful language.

This is all I wanted to share after receiving the news of new fiverr AI hub, I could find general discussion forum as best place to post my views. Looking forward to learn more at hub, bye for now.

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