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HELP! Not getting any message or order in past 2 month


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Hello, i am a level 1 seller and all of my fiverr metrics are completed like i have 100%. In Response rate, Order completion, On time delivery and Positive ratings. 
The next revolution is in 3 days to become a level 2 seller. Seller sincerity is completed, earning of 2000$ is done, days without warning is done, but theres one requirement of completing 50 orders. 

unfortunately i have only completed 48 orders and need to complete 2 more orders to become level 2 sellers. 

I am not getting any messages or order from fiverr in the last 1-2 months so what can i do to complete these requirements? I asked few of my previous clients that i will do 100$ worth of work for 5$ As i need to complete this requirement but they didn’t reply back now i am feeling helpless. 

please tell me how i can solve this problem. 


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29 minutes ago, hiphop__dancers said:

Hello, i am a level 1 seller and all of my fiverr metrics are completed like i have 100%. In Response rate, Order completion, On time delivery and Positive ratings. 
The next revolution is in 3 days to become a level 2 seller. Seller sincerity is completed, earning of 2000$ is done, days without warning is done, but theres one requirement of completing 50 orders. 

unfortunately i have only completed 48 orders and need to complete 2 more orders to become level 2 sellers. 

I am not getting any messages or order from fiverr in the last 1-2 months so what can i do to complete these requirements? I asked few of my previous clients that i will do 100$ worth of work for 5$ As i need to complete this requirement but they didn’t reply back now i am feeling helpless. 

please tell me how i can solve this problem. 


Hello too

Why are you trying to find shortcuts to get 2 more orders so that you can become a Level 2 Seller? Can't you wait till next month's evaluation i.e. January 2023. Be fair!

Turn on the Briefs and Set the Price. That is the another option for you!

Why would you do work of $100 for $5? You are just trying to lose value of your gigs and your work too by doing this!

And it's EVALUATION.. Not revolution 🤦‍♀️

Be patient and work on your gigs along with Get Briefs feature!

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The more I lurk in the forums the more I think this is becoming more common for a lot of sellers. Messages and orders just decreased if not totally disappeared in the last 2-3 months. It's also been my personal experience, getting lesser messages and orders but then once in a while about every week or two, messages and orders start coming in again and then disappear again for the next week or two, like it's a cycle. And it started in the last 2-3 months. Maybe it's the new algorithm or just how Fiverr works nowadays.

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If you're looking to get to Level 2 Seller, it's best to be patient and focus on your gigs. Utilizing the Get Briefs feature can help you increase your orders and build up your profile. Doing work for $100 at a rate of $5 is not recommended as it devalues your work and your gigs. Aiming for fair evaluation in January 2023 is the best way to progress to the next level.

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