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Is ARS causing more cancellations?


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Not sure what it is, but lately my customers have been more demanding than usual. It use to be I would get a unreasonable buyer one out of every five buyers but lately it seems all buyers I deal with are making more demands making it tougher to work with.

I wonder if buyers are thinking “hey there is this new rating system making it easier to demand more”

  1. Clients don’t read the instructions – this is nothing new, but lately it seem to of tripled

  2. I discuss with clients before they order what are their needs and than when they order they change what we discuss and demand more

  3. I deliver a gig and clients modify and want more, more and more (again nothing new but now it happens with every order)

  4. It seems all orders or discussions, the clients say they want it in 48 hours or less.

    Like I said, most of these demands we all confronted before but now they seem to be on the rise or is it just me?
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