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how to get breif ? Need help!!




Hi there,

I'm new on fiverr for last three month. Before breif feature i was getting response easily. But after breif feature i'm not getting any breif or response on my gigs. Anyone can help me how to get breif. Tell me if i'm missing something in my gig to get breif.  Please review my profile and help me to sort this problems. Here's my profile link. https://www.fiverr.com/users/rizzz1122

3 answers to this question

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Hi @rizzz1122, Welcome to the forum! 

I looked at your profile and thought your gig images were a bit crowded with too much text/images. You can reduce the text to 3-5 words that clearly define your service. Buyers will only spend a second looking at your gig to decide if they want to visit your gig or not.

Here are two articles that can help you see what many of the members on the forum are doing with the new Brief & Match feature:



Also, since you do web design, you might want to read these articles here:




Thansk @vickieito for your reply!
I will follow your instruction and implement it all in my gigs.
If you don't mind, can your share me your thoughts about breif. how to train this feature. I mean which price are effectively work for getting breif. becuase i'm trying with differernt  prices in a day, but nothing it's work!

21 minutes ago, rizzz1122 said:

If you don't mind, can your share me your thoughts about breif. how to train this feature. I mean which price are effectively work for getting breif. becuase i'm trying with differernt  prices in a day, but nothing it's work!

The best prices really depends on your gigs and your prices. I didn't get any briefs for 2 months at $50, but I've been getting 3-5 briefs with my prices set to $200. For another seller that I know, she didn't get any briefs at the higher prices but got briefs at $25. 

Don't change the prices too often, once a month is fine if you are still not getting briefs. 

If you aren't getting briefs still, it just means that there are no matches for you at the moment. There are significantly less briefs than there were requests, and Fiverr doesn't guarantee that you'll get any briefs (I also saw several buyers saying that there were no matches for their brief).

Don't depend on briefs for orders. Instead, follow the tips in the articles that I provided that will help you get organic orders. That's where the bulk of your orders should come from.


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