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How's business been in October/November?


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13 hours ago, pmedinua said:

You should at least be real with your photo. All your services are generic work that you can easily be found on some pages to do it automatically. Just do 1 or 2 things, but do them honestly and allmost perfectly.

Sorry - you forgot to quote the person you were writing to. Who did you mean?

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22 minutes ago, katakatica said:

Sorry - you forgot to quote the person you were writing to. Who did you mean?


14 hours ago, mustasimjawad said:

I had joined on Fiverr last July. Still I am waiting For my first order. what should I follow to get my first order.




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48 minutes ago, katakatica said:

Sorry - you forgot to quote the person you were writing to. Who did you mean?

I guess he deleted some images from his post. I was referring to offering things like pdf conversion, copy paste...etc. That were his gigs about. Thanks for your feedback about forgetting the quote. Have a great day

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On 11/17/2022 at 2:03 AM, katakatica said:

My November is far better than I'd even dreamt of - it might also be that buyers who relied on BR are coming back to the actual search button. 

I had a quiet two-week period and one very busy day in which I received six large orders; I only get 1 or 2 of these a week if I am really lucky.

The search button should have been the default option. The buyer request function does not make much sense to me as a buyer, because when I have used it, I only received hundreds of spam messages. :classic_ninja: I agree that without the BR function, new sellers will find it difficult to grow their business on Fiverr. However, Fiverr already has enough sellers, so this isn't a problem for them. It's just an improvement of user experience for the vast majority of honest buyers and sellers.

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On 11/16/2022 at 9:19 PM, katakatica said:

I had a sort of 'meh' October, but I was away for over a week and then got rather sick for another, so I'm not surprised (I had enough orders to earn what I usually would, but not the energy to write as I normally would, and luckily had lax deadlines.)

November, however, has been... insane. The first few days my inbox was blowing up! I've earned more than in October already (which, fine, isn't a huge thing) but I might actually hit a new personal 'high'! It's also been a lot of potentially big projects - some take time of course, others fall through, but it's been good! 

Congratulations @katakatica! It makes me happy to see you doing so well! 😊

August-October were really good months for me and November was looking to be the best with all the Fiverr's Choice orders. However, I'm trying to slow things down and have Request to Orders on all my gigs. I don't want to take on new projects until end of January/February due to the holidays. I have enough projects to last until then. Since this is my first year of freelancing and I have never taken time off before (just one day here and there), I need to figure out how to do work with a long 6-week vacation that involves extended family. My repeat buyers for the projects I'll work on in December and January are flexible with the delivery dates so I hope it'll work out okay!

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On 11/16/2022 at 1:19 PM, katakatica said:

Quindi non è proprio come se chiedessi degli affari, ma sono onestamente curioso - sappiamo tutti che con BR fatto, molte persone sembrano avere difficoltà (il che è onestamente triste.) ma mi chiedo come sia stato il business generale (quindi non BR-Brief generato, anche se anche questo è interessato) è stato per tutti?

Ho avuto una sorta di ottobre "meh", ma sono stato via per più di una settimana e poi mi sono ammalato piuttosto per un'altra, quindi non sono sorpreso (avevo abbastanza ordini per guadagnare quello che avrei fatto di solito, ma non l'energia per scrivere come avrei fatto normalmente, e fortunatamente avevo scadenze lassiste).

Novembre, invece, è stato... insano. I primi giorni la mia casella di posta esplodeva! Ho già guadagnato più che in ottobre (che, va bene, non è una cosa enorme) ma potrei effettivamente raggiungere un nuovo "massimo" personale! Sono stati anche molti progetti potenzialmente grandi - alcuni richiedono tempo, naturalmente, altri falliscono, ma è stato bello!

Così... La domanda è: come è stato per te? Hai notato qualche cambiamento con le vacanze che sono qui? O è stato normale finora?

Inoltre, le festività natalizie e tutto - ti stai prendendo del tempo libero per le vacanze? Andare ovunque divertente?
Personalmente spero di lavorare fino a circa... il 17 immagino? Lascerò comunque il mio profilo "acceso" perché non posso andare per settimane senza scrivere affatto, ma sì, questo è all'incirca l'obiettivo. Probabilmente torneremo subito dopo Capodanno correttamente!


Edited by chrygraphics
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I'm back from vacation today, I've worked all year and need some time off, which obviously affected my orders. However, I have received several great offers from my regular customers, so will start with them tomorrow.

I don't expect to get orders from new buyers because Fiverr changed some of its terms. Let's hope for the Best 🤞

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