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I start new journy on fiverr

Guest nishayini99

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Guest nishayini99

I just started freelancing on fiverr today and am very happy. I feel very happy to see other freelacer here.


Welcome, I saw your profile and noticed you did not published any gig yet. Before publish a gig analyze your service, competitor, clients etc. everything. This will help you to success in Fiverr quickly. Also active here. 

Guest nishayini99

Hey! gays I just joined Fiverr today. What should I do after this guys? Someone guide me. 

I am looking forward to your reply so that I can know some basic things like how I can gig publish and creating....


The word you want is 'guys,' not 'gays,' unless you are interested in working with part of the LGBTQ+ community only.

I would suggest reading the Fiverr help pages and actually searching the forum for valuable information from TRSs before posting yet another thread asking the same thing. Best of luck! 

Guest nishayini99

It would be a great comfort to me if someone could share your experiences

I make logo design more beautiful than others. But I don't get orders in fiverr even though I have skills, why is this happening to me?

I want to know what to do to be successful on Fiverr.

On 11/2/2022 at 3:40 PM, nishayini99 said:

I make logo design more beautiful than others. But I don't get orders in fiverr even though I have skills, why is this happening to me?

There are a lot of people who can make a better hamburger than McDonald's (yet McDonald's sells more hamburgers than they do). Why? Because McDonald's is great at business, marketing, and knows how to consistently deliver what the customer wants.

When you are an employee, your boss gives you work. When you are a freelancer, you are the boss (so it's up to you to bring in those orders). Luckily for us, Fiverr makes this process easier.

If you've got the skills, that's half the battle. Now it's time to brush up on your business, marketing, and customer service skills so that you can attract the clients that would be interested in purchasing your services. You are competing against 226,195 other logo design gigs (some worse than you) on Fiverr's marketplace, so if you don't see orders coming your way, it's because buyers are placing orders with your competition. If you see orders being placed with logo designers who aren't as good as you, that just means they might be better at marketing than you are.

On Fiverr, your best marketing tool is your profile and gigs. Do your research to make sure your gig is optimized and tailored to your buyers. Target a specific type of buyer to reduce your competition and increase your chances of being found. 

Guest nishayini99

My children are starving. There is no one to help us. But I do logo design very well. Below I have put the link for my logo design. I don't get orders. Can someone help me by sharing the order received by you.

I will do unique custom modern minimalist vintage signature cartoon logo design

18 minutes ago, nishayini99 said:

My children are starving. There is no one to help us.

I'm sorry to hear this, however, Fiverr is not a charity. You will have to earn your own income here.

19 minutes ago, nishayini99 said:

Can someone help me by sharing the order received by you.

My orders are my own. My clients hire me for a reason. I am not going to pass along my orders, to someone else whom my clients did not hire.

Guest nishayini99

Your comment touched me deeply.


Have you thought of having multiple logo design gigs instead of just 1 (for the different logo styles)?

eg. your gig is for "do unique custom modern minimalist vintage...logo design", with no commas.

It it's modern it's not vintage. You could have commas to show that you do multiple types of logo design in the gig but it might be better to have 1 gig for modern/minimalist logos and another gig vintage logos, and maybe another gig for signature logos etc. That would also allow more specific search tags. eg. one of the things you're offering in the title is vintage logo design, but your search tags don't mention vintage logos. Having multiple gigs would also allow the gig images to show more specific types of logos (eg. so the buyer can get an idea what your vintage logos will look like or your signature logos etc.).

2 hours ago, nishayini99 said:

My children are starving.

Please, if this is true, look into doing anything else but this. Freelancing, especially at the beginning is incredibly unstable. I know that your situation is very real - I've travelled enough around the world to know.

But selling logos that look exactly like 100 other sellers isn't going to save you or your children. 

What you need is work. 

I'm sorry to say but I do find it hard to believe that you are such an experienced designer. Try another approach. Not on Fiverr necessarily but somewhere else. 


OK, I was gonna go check her link/profile but not the link is gone. Not surprised.
IF this woman's story was indeed true, I hope she can find a job. I really do.
However, my spider senses are telling me that it ain't.

Alright, time to get to work. You guys all have a good day! 😄



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