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Listing Gigs exclusively on Fiverr Business



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Here's the missing piece to the message from Fiverr - how to become a gig that is exclusively shown on Fiverr Business. Thanks to @mateusblfor pointing to this item in the "Edit" menu for gigs.

Still - why on earth would someone intentionally limit their market exposure like this?


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1 hour ago, danno1950 said:

My question - why would I do that? By listing exclusively on Fiverr Business, I would limit my exposure to a small population, and eliminate a larger portion of buyers who might want my services.

It might be beneficial to sellers who look at their "data", and want to apply the 20:80 rule. IF 80% of your business comes from Business Buyers, it might actually save you time, nerves, and trouble to list your Gig only in Business, for example.

They might also "reward" Gigs that are exclusively listed in Business by promoting them more to Business Buyers than Gigs listed in both categories, that would make sense, at least.

Ah, dang, the Contacts page doesn't have Business Buyer displayed as a tag. A filter for that would be helpful to see if it might be a good idea and worth a try, perhaps, or not, definitely not. 🙂 

Edited by miiila
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On 11/1/2022 at 5:04 AM, vickieito said:

I'm also not in the Fiverr Business category and just assumed it was invite-only (or that I haven't met the qualifications yet). I also believe that as long as you are providing good services, it's only a matter of time.

You're right, it comes down to gig quality, but also gig type. For example, my career coaching isn't eligible for FBM because it isn't considered a business service. This makes sense to me (kinda).

I think Fiverr is (slowly) moving to be a business services focused platform, as opposed to just any freelancing service. They're slowly removing low quality gigs, and I expect will start limiting certain categories that aren't business focused. They really want to create two platforms I think. One for high end business services / large prices, and one for non business services, like careers, and probably witchcraft and wizardry.

The problem I have is that business buyers aren't necessarily businesses. Buyers just set up a business account because they prefer the sound of it even if they're not an actual business.

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11 minutes ago, gongor32 said:

Fiverr Business

There are a handful of Fiverr Business Clients. These buyers will not see the regular gigs.

So, having my gigs in the Fiverr Business category will allow me to reach the largest audience possible. I just don't understand this particular notification; it seems to imply that I can create gigs specifically for the Fiverr Business category.

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This is the most bizarre message I've ever received from Fiverr. It says you can tailor your gigs for Fiverr Business. My question - why would I do that? By listing exclusively on Fiverr Business, I would limit my exposure to a small population, and eliminate a larger portion of buyers who might want my services.

I followed the button at the bottom of the email, and it just sent me to my gig page, like the example above. From there - dead end. There was no strategy presented on how to actually make this transition, or even a hint of where to start. 

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13 minutes ago, danno1950 said:

By listing exclusively on Fiverr Business, I would limit my exposure to a small population, and eliminate a larger portion of buyers who might want my services

Fiverr Business Buyers don't see most Fiverr sellers' regular gigs. They see a list of selected sellers.

Fiverr Business Buyers pay $100 per year to maintain their accounts, so they are technically better buyers on paper. However, most of them get their first year for free.

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3 minutes ago, danno1950 said:

why on earth would someone intentionally limit their market exposure like this?

It depends on whether there are boosters within the Fiverr business accounts. Some of the gigs will make sense to sell on Fiverr Business, like personal assistant (PA) services and virtual assistant services.

You're right though, why will anyone limit their exposure. :classic_ninja: 

I can see why I will want to create a gig to be on business if it is currently not in that category.

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14 minutes ago, strategist_ceo said:

It depends on whether there are boosters within the Fiverr business accounts. Some of the gigs will make sense to sell on Fiverr Business, like personal assistant (PA) services and virtual assistant services.

You're right though, why will anyone limit their exposure. :classic_ninja: 

I can see why I will want to create a gig to be on business if it is currently not in that category.

Yes I got the same message and dont know that answer either. and another question is, how do I make my other gigs suitable for fiverr business as well? it doesn't seem to guide me. 

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My first hunch was that maybe people in certain niches (logo making, voice acting, etc.) could potentially benefit from having only 'vetted' clients? It makes absolutely no sense in my case (indie games/books) but.. if there is some sort of an extra boost if you use you FB, I can sort of see it but otherwise, doesn't feel like a feature that will help me out personally!

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7 minutes ago, strategist_ceo said:

'm not on seller plus. 

Thanks for clarifying.

20 minutes ago, strategist_ceo said:

It's in those gigs that are already listed in Business

Is there a way to list your gigs in Fiverr Business? I was not active on Fiverr for some period, so am not aware of this Fiverr Business thing.

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6 minutes ago, strategist_ceo said:

Check your profile page (under your profile picture) for a Fiverr business profile. If you find one, you are already on it.


Just Checked! The option is not available on my profile page. And I just did a quick search about Fiverr Business. It seems it is something for Fiverr buyers? Or does it offer something for sellers as well?

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47 minutes ago, miiila said:

It might be beneficial to sellers who look at their "data", and want to apply the 20:80 rule. IF 80% of your business comes from Business Buyers, it might actually save you time, nerves, and trouble to list your Gig only in Business, for example.

Great way to look at it. Right now I'd say about 5 to 10% of my business comes from Business Buyers. My hope is to eventually have 80% of my business from the Fiverr Business side, but that's a long way off at the moment. I just don't think the Business side has gotten enough traction so far to generate enough business to give up work from regular Fiverr buyers.

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56 minutes ago, strategist_ceo said:

It's just your profile picture brings back memory of me playing MapleStory many years ago

Tbh, I have never heard about MapleStory till now. 😅 I did a quick google search about it just after seeing your post. But I'm glad that my profile pic refreshed some of your good old memories. 😀

By the way, Is fiverr business an invite-only program or can we apply for it as a seller?

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7 minutes ago, cartoon_avatar said:

fiverr business an invite-only program

I think you will get it as long as you are active. I think that you may have gotten the notification while you were away. It will come in the form of a notification to set up your account.

I'm sure it will come. 

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6 hours ago, cartoon_avatar said:

By the way, Is fiverr business an invite-only program or can we apply for it as a seller?

6 hours ago, strategist_ceo said:

I'm sure it will come. 

I'm following your conversation @cartoon_avatar & @strategist_ceo!

I'm also not in the Fiverr Business category and just assumed it was invite-only (or that I haven't met the qualifications yet). I also believe that as long as you are providing good services, it's only a matter of time.

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3 hours ago, vickieito said:

I'm also not in the Fiverr Business category and just assumed it was invite-only

I can only guess because there is no official word on the matter.

My most popular gig is not in the business category of Fiverr, and I cannot create a gig for it (not eligible?). I think that the more common gigs (writing, design) have a higher criterion to meet.


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@strategist_ceo and @vickieito, You can join Fiverr Business from this link (If Fiverr Business is available in your country)-


You can see the detailed process for it here-

It is not available in my country. Probably, this is the reason that I didn't receive any invite or notification for it.


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