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Spark-Your-Creativity Challenge 💭

Logo Maker Team

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We’re challenging ALL our designers to create their own version of this logo! Experiment with typography, layouts and colors to create unique alternatives and show your magic.

Designers often offer clients 2-3 interpretations of a single logo to provide options. But, this doesn’t mean they need to start completely from scratch! Our goal with this exercise is to show how powerful the smallest tweak can be.

To get your imagination flowing, we've rounded up the top tips for creative variations, here 


Ready to get started? Download this SVG and make it your own!

Upload the final product in the comments to inspire others.

You have 8 days for this challenge. Ready? Work Your Magic



I can Change entire Logo with a New version of Same Logo. But as per your Instruction I just made Changes as per allowed in "Logo Maker". Thank You 🙂

High Resolution-01.jpg


The changes that I made:

  • Fixing the perspective of the boxes
  • Using color schemes that compatible each other
  • Using font that communicate message of the brand
  • Create several possible layout
  • create light version and dark version from the same color schemes.

Logo forum.png


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