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Sellers starting job before being awarded!


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Anyone ever encontered this as a buyer?

so i contact a few people to get a quote cost for this project we needs doing

one guy we engage in who is suitable for the job 

i send him requirments and he says it will cost xyz, i said okay fine let me get back to you

next day i contact him again telling him we made some changes to the project and this is what we need if you can send us updated cost

he then gets upset and flips and tells us he doesnt want to work on the project because we kept changing our requirments which we did twice and that he has “already started working on the initial requirements just to save time and he had completed most of it to save time”

i said he shouldnt have started it without us approving the order! This was all done before the order was even placed!

the on another occastion we asked someone for translation quote he tells us xyz we found some cheaper and decided to go with someone else

then few hours later he tells me job is done and to accept his offer


why do people do this

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That's unbelievable! Not that I don't believe you. I mean I wonder why a seller would start working without an order.  I suppose they are very new and don't understand how Fiverr works or they are so hungry for work they wanted to impress you by delivering super early. 

It's rather like they want to be scammed almost. If you were an unscrupulous person, you could just take the work and run if they were that eager to work without an official order.

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6 minutes ago, melanielm said:

why a seller would start working without an order.  I suppose they are very new

That's exactly why!

It's because they are new. I did that once as a new seller and learned my lesson. The buyer told me they were placing the order, I got started/finished the order, and then found out that buyer had supposed "payment issues" that never got resolved.

34 minutes ago, sajidp81 said:

Anyone ever encontered this as a buyer?

As a buyer, I still run into sellers who deliver before I even place an order and it's usually because they are new. It's very easy to get excited about an order and want to show how quickly you can do the work. It is annoying as a buyer when that happens, though. I prefer to get my order requirements set in stone when I place an order, not based on inbox chats.


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As a Seller, I'm guilty of doing this! It's often when I have multiple orders already in my queue and know that planning wise if I don't already start it, I might get into trouble. Honestly, it never went awry until a couple of days ago (so it's great timing for this thread!). 

However, I'm fully aware that it's my decision and therefore it's my problem. I'd never ever place that blame upon the buyer. I only asked if they still wanted the job to be done and unfortunately, the buyer never got back to me. So I moved on. Just like your Seller should've done also. 

But I look at the bright side of it and think to myself, at least I got a beautiful poem out of it (my opinion of course haha). So, it was just an opportunity to work on my skills 🥴

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8 minutes ago, sabinespoems said:

However, I'm fully aware that it's my decision and therefore it's my problem. I'd never ever place that blame upon the buyer.

Exactly! This is pretty ridiculous:

1 hour ago, sajidp81 said:

he then gets upset and flips and tells us he doesnt want to work on the project because we kept changing our requirments which we did twice and that he has “already started working on the initial requirements just to save time and he had completed most of it to save time”

i said he shouldnt have started it without us approving the order! This was all done before the order was even placed!

I also had a new seller like this:

1 hour ago, sajidp81 said:

the on another occastion we asked someone for translation quote he tells us xyz we found some cheaper and decided to go with someone else

then few hours later he tells me job is done and to accept his offer

I was waiting for a quote from this new seller, but instead, the seller delivered the order in the inbox (it was wrong, because he rushed and didn't read all of my requirements).

I did end up accepting a custom offer from the seller, but told my seller that I wanted to "discuss" the points that were not in line with my order requirements before I submitted my revision request. Right away, the seller redelivers my file twice (one right after another). By the time I reviewed the files and submitted my revision request, the seller told me that I already used up all of my free revisions.

The seller then requested to cancel the order because I was "too difficult" to work with, when all I stated in my revision request was that he did a great job, but forgot to address points #2 & #4 of the order requirements. I tried to reject the cancelation request and even offered to pay for the revision. I know how cancelations can impact sellers and the work was already 90% complete. However, the seller chose to cancel instead. That made me really sad. 😟

I think a lot of times, new sellers cause themselves undue stress (and place the blame on the buyer). Sometimes they just need to relax, read the requirements, and focus on doing awesome work. That helps with the customer service side of things as well.

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1 hour ago, vickieito said:

did end up accepting a custom offer from the seller, but told my seller that I wanted to "discuss" the points that were not in line with my order requirements before I submitted my revision request. Right away, the seller redelivers my file twice (one right after another). By the time I reviewed the files and submitted my revision request, the seller told me that I already used up all of my free revisions.

That was very unscrupulous of that seller. I cannot believe the gall of some people! I would never have even thought to do such a thing. In my opinion, this seller got what they deserved in terms of fewer orders for a week or two.

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3 hours ago, sajidp81 said:

he then gets upset and flips and tells us he doesnt want to work on the project because we kept changing our requirments which we did twice and that he has “already started working on the initial requirements just to save time and he had completed most of it to save time”


He could also just lie, trying to make you feel guilty into paying him for his work. Some sellers are very manipulative, so you have to take that into account. 

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4 hours ago, sajidp81 said:

"... we found some cheaper and decided to go with someone else

then few hours later he tells me job is done and to accept his offer."

I saw a lot of posts in Buyers Requests saying "You must deliver the job done first to me then I place order" (and the majority of these "buyers" is from same country), but I realy didn´t expect that someone would accept this condition so easily. Seens that, for this guy is so common starting the job before placing order.

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Well, you can't really blame seller for that mostly the new seller because many buyer's will demand for samples of their before they can place order. Most buyer's do use that opportunity to take advantage of the new seller's. I have fall a victim and I end up loosing to buyer's. 

If any buyer's really wanted to follow the due process they shouldn't demand for samples first before placing order since the revision options is available. 

Both parties are the blame for this misunderstanding because many new seller wanted to accept that term from buyer's to impress them to keep working with them without them knowing the buyer's wanted to take advantage of them. 

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On 10/20/2022 at 7:57 PM, brownzay said:

Well, you can't really blame seller for that mostly the new seller because many buyer's will demand for samples of their before they can place order. Most buyer's do use that opportunity to take advantage of the new seller's. I have fall a victim and I end up loosing to buyer's. 

Create some general samples and you will be fine. Whenever a buyer asks for free "samples" on their own topic, they try to scam. It's obvious. 


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13 hours ago, sajidp81 said:

Anyone ever encontered this as a buyer?

so i contact a few people to get a quote cost for this project we needs doing

one guy we engage in who is suitable for the job 

i send him requirments and he says it will cost xyz, i said okay fine let me get back to you

next day i contact him again telling him we made some changes to the project and this is what we need if you can send us updated cost

he then gets upset and flips and tells us he doesnt want to work on the project because we kept changing our requirments which we did twice and that he has “already started working on the initial requirements just to save time and he had completed most of it to save time”

i said he shouldnt have started it without us approving the order! This was all done before the order was even placed!

the on another occastion we asked someone for translation quote he tells us xyz we found some cheaper and decided to go with someone else

then few hours later he tells me job is done and to accept his offer


why do people do this


Well it happens! But there is no guarantee that he might really have completed your project beforehand (before placing your order). He might be trying to convince you to hire him and award him the project.

Whenever buyer discusses their projects with me, I always ask at the end of discussion that what is their budget or which gig package they will prefer to choose. If they say this package or tells their budget etc., then I will start working on it. If I deliver their work, then I will use watermark on my designs. Later they really place their orders. It's all about the way of communication and engagement with each other!

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On 10/21/2022 at 2:25 AM, vickieito said:

The seller then requested to cancel the order because I was "too difficult" to work with, when all I stated in my revision request was that he did a great job, but forgot to address points #2 & #4 of the order requirements. I tried to reject the cancellation request and even offered to pay for the revision. I know how cancellations can impact sellers and the work was already 90% complete. However, the seller chose to cancel instead. That made me really sad. 😟

Wow, I can't be believe there are sellers out there who initiate cancellation over something that could be discussed and fixed. They really give zero crap about their cancellation rate. I wouldn't have the patience if I were you 😀

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On 10/21/2022 at 2:01 AM, chessart_studio said:

I saw a lot of posts in Buyers Requests saying "You must deliver the job done first to me then I place order" (and the majority of these "buyers" is from same country), but I realy didn´t expect that someone would accept this condition so easily. Seens that, for this guy is so common starting the job before placing order.

I even understand which country you mentioned. I have received such messages a couple of times - I reported them. That's not how Fiverr works.

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On 10/21/2022 at 2:57 AM, brownzay said:

Well, you can't really blame seller for that mostly the new seller because many buyer's will demand for samples of their before they can place order. Most buyer's do use that opportunity to take advantage of the new seller's. I have fall a victim and I end up loosing to buyer's. 

Both parties are the blame for this misunderstanding because many new seller wanted to accept that term from buyer's to impress them to keep working with them without them knowing the buyer's wanted to take advantage of them. 

I don't really agree - anyone who joins Fiverr should read the ToS and accept it, and also learn how exactly the platform works before they start working on it.

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On 10/23/2022 at 12:12 PM, olyasr said:

I even understand which country you mentioned.

Yes, this same country asks a lot for 3D characters animations with 1 day deadline and payment of $5, "my budget is fixed, don´t bid if you don´t agree or I will report you", they requests "just professionals with Dreamworks quality, don´t bid if you can´t do it or I will report you", they want high quality job done in 1 day for just $5, and no place order until the job is done, and to make things much more worse they threaths to report you just for bidding on their absurd posts!

This same country has hundreds of gigs offering japanese anime style animation with cuscenes from famous animes like Naruto, Boruto, Dragon Ball, Sailor Moon, My Hero Academia... in its showcases (all dubed iin japanese)! Realy? How someone can believe that people from this country worked in Naruto!? (And if they did, they would be Pro Sellers verified, not just novice level in Fiverr). All their gigs description seens to be copy paste, with few changes.

There is many other absurds I´ve seen from this country, in Fiverr!

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On 10/20/2022 at 9:02 PM, sajidp81 said:

he shouldnt have started it without us approving the order!

Thats exactly is the right answer. Not much to say after that.

But there are times people might get desperate and just want to start a job after lumbering in desert for so long. BUT if thats the case:

On 10/20/2022 at 9:02 PM, sajidp81 said:

tells us he doesnt want to work on the project

this does not make sense.

Overall, that seller was rushing to get some job done. And he suffered for it. People make mistakes. 

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