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I truly don't understand what the "PrIoRiTy CuStOmEr SuPpOrT" for level 2 sellers is. 

I have been level 2 for two years in a row, I have never experienced any priority support, it's all bs clearly. 


I have an order which is completely fishy and totally against the terms of service. 

I need someone to review my ticket and answer it ASAP as the order was placed yesterday and it has 2 more hours until I "have" to deliver it......

The fact you are not answering my message since last night, while I am pressured by: Your terms of service, the way your statistics are calculated, the way your algorithm works. 

I can't even cancel the order myself even though I know it's a fraud/fishy order, as your algorithm will most likely punish me and remove me from first page........ if I delay to deliver, my "Delivered on time" will start getting affected, if I decided to work on the job to avoid all these issues since the support team is not answering or helping me, I will end up getting my account suspended and lose level 2 and everything I mentioned above

As you can understand, I am not winning in ANY scenario, I am like the only victim in this situation after this guy placed an order....

Either put a new button so we can report these suspicious orders and get NO ISSUES with our own accounts or have someone to review these tickets a lot quicker.

For the love of god, help me finally....

1 hour ago, finalcutallen said:

I have been level 2 for two years in a row, I have never experienced any priority support, it's all bs clearly. 


I'm going to start with the fact that most people on here are sellers so I'm not sure if you will be able to get faster help by posting here.


I realize that CS can be slow - it's annoying for sure, however I can see that they'd be swamped now (imagine how many no level/level 1 sellers are messaging them because 'buyer requests are gone'... add some of the technical glitches (impressions not showing up) that happened recently into the mix and...yeah. You have overworked support, even if they are supposed to give priority to level 2/TRS (and I think seller plus?)

Now, if I were you, I would do one thing mainly: wait.

would potentially try to extend the order just to have an ease of heart but I don't think it will matter because if if IS ruled sketchy by CS, it will be cancelled and it won't affect your rating. Now if by some chance they don't believe it to be sketchy, things will be a bit... messier, but the one time I had an order like that, they told me that I only have to work on the order if I feel comfortable doing so (which to me equals 'we will take care of it if you don't.) I understand your frustration, but I wouldn't work myself up about this so much. 

Grab a coffee, take a walk and make sure you listed all the reasons why it's sketchy clearly. Maybe the CS agent who saw your mail needed someone else to check it as well... who knows. 

I know it's easy for someone else to be saying this, but keeping your cool in situations like this CAN be important to how the case will end (or so it feels to me.)


This is exactly why they should have more immediate support for us, like add a "Live Chat" button for sellers like us and let the other sellers with the spam questions  to wait. 

Anyways.... I just made this post in hopes of some moderator seeing it and escalating it internally but I don't see this happening at any time soon.

I now had to straight up request an order extension and tell the customer to his face that I believe his order is sketchy and I really didn't want to do that as I wanted Fiverr to help me behind the scenes without needing to do this..... as they may say it was ok after all........

For a platform that makes a ton of money from seller fees, they need to fix their priorities and help their main money makers better and quicker instead of wasting time on useless requests. There are ways their bots can filter common requests and give automated messages instead of wasting human power....... anywaysssss

10 minutes ago, finalcutallen said:

I believe his order is sketchy

Like the earlier post said its unlikely you'll get more assistance from Fiverr staff here.

But anyway, you can request to cancel the order with the buyer for the reason that his request is not in line with what you offer, you said it yourself that its a sketchy order. Why waste your time doing it? You do not have to force yourself to work with someone you are uncomfortable with. Once the order is cancelled then you can ask CS that it not affect your statistics (I've done this three times in the past month and it hasn't affected my statistics and several times in the past and it hasn't affected me). You just have to explain properly both to the buyer as you ask for the cancellation. And right after that to CS once the order is cancelled. You can verify this by checking if your completion rate took a hit. Because if you ask CS directly to cancel the order and unless you have solid proof that its a fraud order (or violating whatever rules) CS will just tell you to work it out with the buyer, blah blah blah. 

You also might want to explore the Request to Order function and enable it for any new buyers.



First of all, try to breath more and understand that nothing bad will happen if you have the means to prove it. That will make everything much easier for you and your patience.

I know (because they have done it for me as well) that whenever you receive a fishy order or receive an order requesting something that you don't offer, they just cancel it and make it so it doesn't affect your statistics. Some times they are nice enough to even compensate for it a little bit and put you in a nice winning scenario.

I would be much more worried about not portraying myself as a composed profesional rather than publicly trash talking the very platform that makes everything posible.



That "Request to Order" blew my mind - I had no idea they had added this beta feature, this will save me from all future similar issues.. Thank you so much @theratypist, that was insanely helpful


Look, if I appear upset at some parts of my message that is because I have a very good reason to be this way. You may think and say that "it's okay, just wait or just cancel and nothing will happen" - but in the past when I had done the things I thought Fiverr will help me out later with, usually ends up as a huge disappointment. For example, I have cancelled a few orders like that in the past. If you notice you get a warning each time that your gig will be placed lower etc etc. Well, even if I was right for cancelling and maybe they will return my rates back to 100%... my gig placement gets heavily affected 100% of the time. So I am tired of losing the first page spot when I can't get the help I need quickly enough. 


And there are many other reasons, but like I said, this post was mainly for Fiverr support team - but I got some seriously good advice from @theratypistso thank you one more time my dear!! 


I hope you all guys have an absolutely amazing evening and I wish you a ton of work to come your way!! (Less sketchy than this one order of mine 😉 )




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