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Fiverr gigs rank for new seller??


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Hi @shahriar_dhrubo,

Clicks are all related to how attractive your gig is - your gig price, title, gig video, gig thumbnail, and seller level/reviews. If you are not getting clicks, then your gig isn't attractive enough.

Keep your gig thumbnails simple with one image that clearly represents your gig. Currently you have a lot of images on each gig thumbnail, so it's very busy and hard for the buyer to clearly understand what services you offer. You only have a few seconds to impress them. If you have a gig video, you can take another 60 seconds to engage and impress them ...so add gig videos to all of your gigs so that you can showcase your services and skills.

Once buyers click on your gig, you also want to convert those clicks to orders. So write your profile bio and gig descriptions with your buyers in mind. Currently your profile bio ends with a big long list of things that you can do. That won't attract your buyers. They will want to know how you can help them and solve their problems. The better you can show them how you are the solution to their problem, the more likely they are to purchase your gig. 

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1 hour ago, shahriar_dhrubo said:

can you please tell me.....
Which one is more attractive between image and video.....?

Gig videos increase user engagement. You can add your gig thumbnail and portfolio to each video, so the videos can definitely make your gigs more attractive to your buyers.

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