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18 minutes ago, vickiespencer said:

Hell No!

I vote for this one, I kinda like it!! 🤣🤣


11 minutes ago, cartoon_avatar said:

I've seen some people saying hello this way.

Is that an actual thing?? Dang! 
(I mean, I knew it was trying to say hello, I just thought it was funny that 1, it's a strange typo, and 2, that's all it said)

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9 hours ago, zeus777 said:

So this morning I wake up, I've received several new messages.
Most of them were asking for a quote.

But ONE message stood out, it said


Put on your thinking hats, what is this mysterious message trying to tell me?  🤪

It's from someone who is active online 24/7  

They lose the ability to speak or form a constructive sentence.  Let that be a lesson for anyone that follows this advice.  😀

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6 hours ago, miiila said:

I hope you also got the hy ones, at least, else, your collection is lacking even with the hlo one. 😄

hy is very common, hlo I think I've gotten before. Maybe even 'h'? 

The most common seems to be just 'give me money' though but oh well!

(that being said, I HAVE had 'hy' being a typo and gotten an order out of it before I think. )


THAT  aside I wonder if all these forms of 'hi' are because they know that 'hello' often gets marked as spam right away, so they outsmart the spam filter? Or... am I thinking too much into it?

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4 minutes ago, webgaragepro said:

Hello is not restricted word on fiverr!

In itself it isn't - but I think you missed the point of my post. 

People who spam other sellers for work mindlessly often type 'hello' or 'hi' to start with (and nothing else). My theory is that mixing up the greeting makes it harder for the spam filter to catch on. (As I'm assuming these people are spamming several accounts at the same time.)

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So... does this prove that it's saving time/laziness or that they don't know how to write hello, I mean, it could also be a typo of 'Hlo', so both is possible. exhibit1.thumb.png.6493698fce6fe96f0574a91d434a9a34.png...



And how about this? Saving time/laziness – then why not go all the way and write "Snd m rdr pls" (anyone used to getting spam here, would be perfectly able to understand it, after all ;))...



And why the effort of using the shift key, or did they copy-paste that as templates that someone did in Word where the first letter auto-changed to upper case? Mystery over mystery.


Edited by miiila
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7 hours ago, miiila said:

does this prove that it's saving time/laziness

Wow, that is just... I mean, there is a FINE line between those two, but... wow, I mean...
OK, I get it, we are all busy, but WOW. I know I need to come up with something else besides just "wow," but I'm typing what I'm feeling!

BTW earlier today I got a "Hello" message, so I replied asking if they had any questions.
The reply to that was:

Yup, I got 3 one-word messages. I'm guessing that the first two was simply a typo and the person wanted to say "yes" correctly and I appreciate that.
He didn't need to try that hard saying "yes" though...

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I once got a 'o7' in my Inbox. I'm not down with all the online emoji speak stuff, so it took me a while to figure out what that meant. I sent my usual auto-response (Do you need writing done, etc?) and got 'for smart fourm post -- o7' back. Marked it as spam and did some research. Apparently o7 is a little person saluting (the 7 is their arm)

I've never had a hi, hello, hlo, yo message go anywhere good. I wonder what goes through their minds. I understand language difficulties, but there's simply no reason so send something like that if you don't follow it up with anything.

Edited by melanielm
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On 10/21/2022 at 3:31 AM, melanielm said:

Apparently o7 is a little person saluting (the 7 is their arm)

OHHHHHHHHHHHH ahhhhhh, I see I see. Never would have guessed that!!
If it was me though, I'd just say something like "Hi, I'm not trying to send you spam but just wanted to say that I enjoy your smarts posts, that's it.
Have a good day!" 
But then, all I have to do is just post it here in the forum, so...

I guess there are many bored people out there with tons of free time..


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