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What is best fiverr gig for making money?


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I feel like the Graphics & Design category along with the Animation category are the most advertised by Fiverr itself (more likely to be on main page and featured in stories and such) so they get a lot of sales and interest naturally. I also find that the Photoshopping gigs seem to be goldmines especially since most of the basic gigs offer services that can be done within minutes if you know what you’re doing.

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I do voiceovers and have been earning $1400 to $2000 per month. Not everyone has the right kind of voice and equipment to do these, but if you do, and if you consistently provide good quality work with rapid turnaround, I think you can do very well. It also helps to have a dynamic video for your gig page. I’d love to help any Fiverr neophytes get their voiceover business off the ground (there’s lots of work for all of us) so if anyone has questions, just PM me. 🙂

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Best Paid and Most Ordered, are two different things. (Though related, obviously.)

The good posts by the above Sellers, are answering Best Paid. And there are multiple possible answers, because it really depends on how efficiently (i.e. FAST) you can do the work. The faster you can do it, the more you are being paid “per hour”.

But when it comes to Most Ordered, there is ONE category that BLOWS AWAY ALL OTHERS:



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