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Bring Back Buyer Request

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10 hours ago, vishdrawings said:

The only thing they were adamant about was the delivery time and budget which they have set to the higher side.

It's possible to pick "flexible" both for the delivery time and the budget. I know because I've received such briefs.

11 hours ago, vishdrawings said:

Are you suggesting top rated sellers are NOT in good standing?

No, she's saying that any seller with an account in good standing can get a brief, no matter their level. I turned briefs back on, just to see what would happen, and got a brief this morning. I rejected it because I don't offer that service, but I did get it.

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12 hours ago, vickiespencer said:

How would did you get that misinterpretation from what I said? 

I didn't, that was rhetorical. As I said earlier anyone who is in good standing with fiverr as you said it, WILL be automatically high level because level depends on rating and order completion too etc.

12 hours ago, vickiespencer said:

Yes, they but the same can also be valid for level 1 and 2 sellers.

Theoretically yes, but practically it isn't as evident by so many people complaining about not getting matches. ALL the people that are saying that brief system works are top level sellers like you.

Your "solution" is like that girl from memes saying, if you are homeless why don't you just buy a house.

13 hours ago, vickiespencer said:

The written description for each brief is as involved or as vague as the buyer wishes to make it. How can you make the statement above when it changes for every buyer who creates a brief?

I made that statement based on the information you provided. Since there are less options to select from the category and sub category drop down menu, fiverr AI is searching for keywords from the description, hence making incorrect matches.

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13 hours ago, vickiespencer said:

I found a lot of sub categories. 

You deliberately chose a different category than what I mentioned because what I said was true, didn't you? 😄

Anyway here's the proof


13 hours ago, vickiespencer said:

Although I could not post a brief for $5, I could post a Brief for as low as $10. So what are you talking about here? I would not consider $10 as "set to the higher side".
As I said, I was matched with sellers from level 1 and level 2. The offers varied from $10 to $30 and my budget was higher. 


You can see the budget mentioned by them here. I posted three briefs with few hours interval in between.

1. Brief lower than mention budget didn't get matched outright.

2. Brief on the lower side of budget was posted but didn't get matched

3. Brief on the higher side of budget got matched within an hour, and guess what? To a wrong seller 😄


But if you search the same keyword "GAME ART" on regular fiver search ( since the brief had me put only that too ). You can see how many sellers much lower than the fiverr's budget are shown, and with good stats too or good standing with fiverr as you said.


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13 hours ago, vickiespencer said:

You are adamant about proving briefs are bad to the point of making false assumptions about briefs. 

@catwriter @vickiespencer Now that I have done all this research let me tell you about what I have found.

This new brief system is just a cash grab to push buyers to the higher side of budgets.

Only people who are saying this is working are high level sellers like you who are adamant on proving this is good because YOU are benefitting from it even though you mentioned it yourself that it gives you wrong matches all the time. 

Now that I have given you all the proof, you can see all the assumptions I made are In fact correct. You are the one defending it to the point of making false claims. Buyers request were a way for new sellers to get noticed because they don't show up in searches as easily as the ones with higher levels and ratings. Now it caters only to top level sellers because they can squeeze more money from clients for the same job on the account of their high level.

Even your comment about new sellers being spammers is objectively false since low level sellers can send low number of bids/offers per day compared to higher levels and the buyer requests visible to them is also considerably low. i remember being able to see 3-10 buyer's request per day as a new seller and 400+ when I became level 1.

In conclusion anyone who is saying briefs works are high level seller themselves with their own vested interest. Buyer's request are dead for everyone else, New sellers won't get noticed hence won't get orders to level up and won't get matched Because they didn't level up.



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4 hours ago, vishdrawings said:

ALL the people that are saying that brief system works are top level sellers like you.

@catwriter is not a TRS, and I have other Fiverr friends I am in contact with in DMs who are getting them and they are not TRSs either. 

4 hours ago, vishdrawings said:

fiverr AI is searching for keywords from the description, hence making incorrect matches.

Matches based on the description the buyer writes. That is not the AIs fault. 

4 hours ago, vishdrawings said:

You deliberately chose a different category than what I mentioned

Nope, I looked at your gigs and chose categories where I thought a buyer might look. My oh my, you look at the negative in all situations, don't you? 

@catwriter I do not know about you, but I am tired of giving this guy space in my head. 

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@vishdrawings- I wish I could be as smart as you, brother. You have really hit the nail on the head here, and you should be proud of yourself for knowing more about the Fiverr platform than Top Rated Sellers and other experienced members. You really did your homework! Bravo!

As a buyer on Fiverr, I'm really just so heartbroken that I'll now be missing out on all the hundreds of spam offers I used to receive in BRs from people who didn't read my request. I weep, and I weep for the loss all us buyers have suffered, and I curse the briefs for having taken this paradise away from us!

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4 hours ago, vishdrawings said:

As I said earlier anyone who is in good standing with fiverr as you said it, WILL be automatically high level because level depends on rating and order completion too etc.

Not necessarily. An account in good standing could also mean a new seller with just a few sales and happy buyers. Or even an account without recent cancellations, bad private feedback, and so on.

4 hours ago, vishdrawings said:

ALL the people that are saying that brief system works are top level sellers like you.

@vickieitois the one who first found out about "training" the AI, and no, she's not a TRS.


4 hours ago, vishdrawings said:

Only people who are saying this is working are high level sellers like you who are adamant on proving this is good because YOU are benefitting from it even though you mentioned it yourself that it gives you wrong matches all the time. 

I never said it was good, just that it's possible to get briefs no matter the level. And I'm not benefiting from it at all. I don't get orders from briefs. I get orders directly. I've never depended on buyer requests to get orders either, not even as a brand new seller.

4 hours ago, vishdrawings said:

Even your comment about new sellers being spammers is objectively false since low level sellers can send low number of bids/offers per day compared to higher levels and the buyer requests visible to them is also considerably low. i remember being able to see 3-10 buyer's request per day as a new seller and 400+ when I became level 1.

And do you know why the new sellers see fewer requests? Back in the day, a new seller could see as many requests as leveled sellers...and they spammed them with "ordr plz" and similar nonsense, whether they were capable of doing the job or not. That's why the limitation was introduced.

4 hours ago, vishdrawings said:

In conclusion anyone who is saying briefs works are high level seller themselves with their own vested interest.

Nobody is saying that briefs work. Some sellers were able to sorta kinda train the AI, but still, they're only getting a very small number of orders through briefs. The vast majority of orders they get are either direct orders, or buyers message them directly and then order from them.

Are you even aware that Fiverr was never meant to be a bidding platform, and that it was made with the idea to be different from all the bidding platforms out there? That the main idea of Fiverr is that you don't have to send proposals, that buyers will search through the catalog of services and contact you (or place an order directly) if they like your gig?

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4 hours ago, vishdrawings said:

Only people who are saying this is working are high level sellers like you who are adamant on proving this is good because YOU are benefitting from it even though you mentioned it yourself that it gives you wrong matches all the time. 

Are we really though? Or do we just think that the BR system was heavily flawed? I haven't had a single order from briefs yet (still training the AI) but I also haven't gotten offers from BR since like.. 2020 I want to say? 

Trust me, I want more talented new / level one (and so on) sellers to succeed. I often reach out to people whose post I see on here (and our new,but not marketing themselves but just saying hello) and end up with pretty fun projects with their help. I want more talented people on here and love supporting  their business.

Why am I against BR then?

The spam, scam (and hundreds of buyers who want to pay $5 for hundreds of ours of work are just a few reasons to mention. It could have been just given a revamp, yes, but briefs were likely just a better idea in the long run. 

4 hours ago, vishdrawings said:

New sellers won't get noticed hence won't get orders to level up and won't get matched Because they didn't level up.

New sellers still get a boost from Fiverr - And the same chance to be in the marketplace. With (often) slightly lower prices, they have every chance to get buyers, but I'm also certain that they CAN get briefs. Fiverr isn't working against its new sellers (though the site is still absolutely imperfect.) 

It might be harder to get going now but that is not Fiverrs or more experienced sellers' fault. I would even say BR being gone isn't so important to that factor either. What is then? There's just more new sellers than ever - so the market is saturated. Buyers have more choice even between new/lower levelled sellers only.

They just want better matches and higher quality stuff go be sold. More money in the long run, right?

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6 hours ago, vickiespencer said:

@catwriter is not a TRS, and I have other Fiverr friends I am in contact with in DMs who are getting them and they are not TRSs either.

@vickiespencerAnd I have seen so many sellers on this very forum saying that they are NOT getting them. Whatever matches catwriter is getting I bet it is way less than TRS since it is about the pushing buyers towards higher budgets as I showed you before.

6 hours ago, vickiespencer said:

Matches based on the description the buyer writes. That is not the AIs fault. 

Yes, it's not the AI's fault it is the fault of the people who thought that instead of choosing the search tags to get matched ( same tags the sellers put in their gigs ) picking up keywords from the description will match better.


6 hours ago, vickiespencer said:

Nope, I looked at your gigs and chose categories where I thought a buyer might look. 

 I have 3 active gigs, 2 of which are related to "game art", the tag I mentioned to you when I asked the question and you chose the 3rd one which has never received any order?

6 hours ago, vickiespencer said:

My oh my, you look at the negative in all situations, don't you? 

I am sorry, I didn't think of it that way. Now I get what you were trying to say. "Why must these poor peasants ask for bread, they must rejoice that their queen has a new gold crown" 😄

6 hours ago, vibronx said:

As a buyer on Fiverr, I'm really just so heartbroken that I'll now be missing out on all the hundreds of spam offers I used to receive in BRs from people who didn't read my request. I weep, and I weep for the loss all us buyers have suffered, and I curse the briefs for having taken this paradise away from us!

@vibronxSsshhh man, quiet down or your cover will be blown and everyone will know it's the TRS in you that's talking 😄 As for buyers, you can see on this very post how many people are saying they are still getting self promotion fake briefs and wrong matches.

I showed you literally one comment ago how simple search resulted better profiles or "high quality sellers" as you say it than the briefs.

6 hours ago, catwriter said:

I never said it was good, just that it's possible to get briefs no matter the level. And I'm not benefiting from it at all. I don't get orders from briefs. I get orders directly. I've never depended on buyer requests to get orders either, not even as a brand new seller.

@catwriterI am not saying you said it either, I am saying TRS are adamant on saying it is better because it is benefitting them the most. You can guess who is TRS from their replies. The new sellers needed it to get started since high level sellers get orders directly and appear in regular searches. 

I tagged you in the same comment because I wanted to show you what I found, since I have very little comment per day limit as a new member and I can't spam the forum with replies to everyone like the TRS.

6 hours ago, catwriter said:

And do you know why the new sellers see fewer requests? Back in the day, a new seller could see as many requests as leveled sellers...and they spammed them with "ordr plz" and similar nonsense, whether they were capable of doing the job or not. That's why the limitation was introduced.

Yes, the limit was there to stop the spammers in buyer's request option and now the buyer's requests go to TRS as matches. Neither my comment is going to bring back buyer's request nor it would change the AI, I came here just for information and I am just quoting what I found.


5 hours ago, katakatica said:

Are we really though? Or do we just think that the BR system was heavily flawed? I haven't had a single order from briefs yet (still training the AI) but I also haven't gotten offers from BR since like.. 2020 I want to say? 

@katakatica that's what I said, TRS didn't need buyer's requests in the first place. You have completed orders to get to your level because you are already visible in the market, are getting orders and completing it. Why are you commenting about buyer's request if you didn't use or need it anyway? Maybe that 5$ helped some new seller to get a good review and rating to get better work in the future.

5 hours ago, katakatica said:

They just want better matches and higher quality stuff go be sold. More money in the long run, right?

At least you are honest, it IS about making more money. Giving buyers a higher budget bracket to choose from and pushing them towards the high end by saying that lower budgets didn't get any matches. How will it affect new sellers and buyers in the long run I can't tell. 

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2 hours ago, vishdrawings said:

At least you are honest, it IS about making more money.

It has always been about making more money - Fiverr wouldn't get rid of Buyer Request and replace it with Buyer Briefs if they thought they wouldn't make money from this decision.

On 12/5/2022 at 12:57 AM, vishdrawings said:

Fiverr's search is much better since you put the search tags yourself and the relevant profiles show up and you can choose from them.

I agree! My recommendations to buyers is to use Fiverr's search - it's so much better than briefs because buyers can be more detailed in their search and they have much more control over who they get to vet and do business with. But it does require the buyer to "work."

AI technology is not perfect and it will never be as good as doing the actual work of searching on Fiverr's marketplace. However, some buyers may opt to use the Brief & Match feature to save on time and avoid the headache of them making the matches themselves.

2 hours ago, vishdrawings said:

How will it affect new sellers and buyers in the long run I can't tell. 

Here are my observations and thoughts (coming from someone who was a new seller earlier this year):

1. Many sellers were making good money through the Buyer Requests. They are hoping that they will make the same through Buyer Briefs. Most likely they won't. Each brief only gets 1-2 matches at a time and some briefs don't even get a single match. The number of offers for that can be made on a single brief is also significantly lower than the number of offers that could be made for a single buyer request. This doesn't mean new sellers, Level 1, Level 2, and top-rated sellers won't get briefs. They can. However, it won't be as much as buyer requests.

2. The "Get briefs" toggle button is misleading because it makes sellers think that they will "get briefs" by turning this feature on. Sellers will only get briefs if Fiverr's algorithm thinks they are a match. If they have no briefs, there are no matches. If buyers are finding you through search, most likely you will also get matches through the "Get brief" option.

3. Many sellers who depend on the bidding system to get orders will leave the platform. This won't hurt Fiverr because, as @catwriter mentioned, Fiverr isn't meant to be a bidding platform (and choses not to cater to sellers who thrive on that system). The Brief & Match system is more in line with Fiverr's business model because Fiverr is all about matching buyers and sellers through its smart algorithm. Fiverr will continue to improve its technology to provide better matches. 

4. I see the Brief & Match as the new Buyer Request - most high-performing sellers will ignore this feature and only use it periodically when they need it. This means the bulk of those using the Brief & Match (and benefitting the most) will be newer sellers and those who need a boost in orders. Most orders for all sellers will come through organic search and repeat, happy buyers.

5. Sellers of all levels who can adapt and become "quality sellers" will be promoted by Fiverr's algorithms and will do great on this platform. I've done a lot of research (and am still researching) since "quality" is an arbitrary word and I want to do well on this platform.  Based on my research, here's what Fiverr considers "Quality":

  • Sellers who have high conversion rates (i.e., sellers who can convert impressions to clicks and clicks to orders). This requires you to be good at marketing yourself.
  • Sellers who display high levels of professionalism (e.g., seller bio, intro videos, gig descriptions, quality images, good gig videos, impressive portfolios, top clients, etc.).
  • Sellers who keep their buyers happy (e.g., those who have good private and public reviews, have a high number of repeat buyers, have quick response rates, low cancelations, and high number of orders).
  • Sellers who have great metrics (e.g., all the analytics on the dashboard).
  • Sellers who use all the features Fiverr has to offer (e.g., via analytics, search, gig editing page, seller profile page, etc.).

"Quality" does not depend on a sellers level, although if you are high-quality you should be able to progress through the levels fairly quickly, even without Buyer Request or Buyer Briefs. Based on my experience, no one should depend on Buyer Briefs as a main source of orders.

2 hours ago, vishdrawings said:

Why are you commenting about buyer's request if you didn't use or need it anyway?

I'm actually very grateful to hear from @katakatica, @vickiespencer, @vibronx, and @catwriter because they are showing other sellers how to run their business without buyer briefs. I've already come to the conclusion that briefs won't scale my business. I also see up to 25 posts a day asking how to make buyer briefs work. It won't. At least not in the way that these sellers want it to.

I was a new seller earlier this year and just barely hit the 1-year mark. I know I have a lot to learn from these more experienced sellers on the platform if I want my business to continue to grow in spite of all the changes that Fiverr is throwing our way.

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10 hours ago, vishdrawings said:

I am saying TRS are adamant on saying it is better because it is benefitting them the most

It's not benefiting them much. @vickiespencersays she got a total of 3 orders from briefs so far. She got many many many more direct orders.

10 hours ago, vishdrawings said:

The new sellers needed it to get started since high level sellers get orders directly and appear in regular searches. 

The new sellers can (and do) get orders directly, too. I got my first orders directly, and so did many others. BR was more of a crutch.

And if you search through the forum, you will see plenty of complaints from new sellers who sent hundreds, if not thousands of offers to buyer requests (while buyer requests still existed, obviously), and never got a single order from them.

10 hours ago, vishdrawings said:

it IS about making more money.

Of course it is. Fiverr isn't a charity. Their goal is to get more money.

10 hours ago, vishdrawings said:

Giving buyers a higher budget bracket to choose from and pushing them towards the high end by saying that lower budgets didn't get any matches.

Think of it this way: the want buyers to pay sellers better (instead of demanding the moon and the stars and a whole month of work for $5), and they want their sellers to get more money for all the hard work they put in.

10 hours ago, vishdrawings said:

I showed you literally one comment ago how simple search resulted better profiles or "high quality sellers" as you say it than the briefs.

Of course it did. That's how Fiverr is designed to work. Buyers search and find the sellers they like.

In some cases, they can't easily find what they need (for more complex jobs, and that's where buyer requests/briefs were meant to come in, and since it's about more complex jobs, the budget should be higher, too), and in other cases, they wanted to save time so they posted a request...and mostly got spam.

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9 hours ago, vickieito said:

I'm actually very grateful to hear from @katakatica, @vickiespencer, @vibronx, and @catwriter

I am not, because as I said before their "solution" is similar to saying "if you are homeless, just buy a house". If there are no matches, there is not training the AI either. Plus the TRS are putting out false claims and denying proofs right away because the brief system is beneficial to them while buyer's request was not.

9 hours ago, vickieito said:

"Quality" does not depend on a sellers level, although if you are high-quality you should be able to progress through the levels fairly quickly, even without Buyer Request or Buyer Briefs. Based on my experience, no one should depend on Buyer Briefs as a main source of orders.

But it does matter, if you can compare the number of matches between each level to any one of these TRS for the same type of gig you will see WHY so many new sellers are complaining about it. If someone completes only a few odd jobs and within good time, their stats will be 100% but it still isn't getting matches.

2 hours ago, catwriter said:

It's not benefiting them much. @vickiespencersays she got a total of 3 orders from briefs so far. She got many many many more direct orders.

It's not benefitting them CURRENTLY as AI is matching them incorrectly. She gets many more direct orders meaning she didn't need buyer's request anyway. So it's up by 3 from zero extra orders.

2 hours ago, catwriter said:

The new sellers can (and do) get orders directly, too. I got my first orders directly, and so did many others. BR was more of a crutch.

I know, my first order was through inbox too. I had to edit sprites for an entire modern mario game just for 15$. I am talking about those who don't get noticed, this first order and review allows to ask for better prices in the future.

2 hours ago, catwriter said:

Think of it this way: the want buyers to pay sellers better (instead of demanding the moon and the stars and a whole month of work for $5), and they want their sellers to get more money for all the hard work they put in.

But that's not the case now is it, they are simply asking buyers to pay better TO the sellers who are asking for more already not the ones who are being underpaid. TRS rates are already higher than some new seller on account of their level/skill/experience doesn't matter if you go there directly or by matches.

2 hours ago, catwriter said:

In some cases, they can't easily find what they need (for more complex jobs, and that's where buyer requests/briefs were meant to come in, and since it's about more complex jobs, the budget should be higher, too), and in other cases, they wanted to save time so they posted a request...and mostly got spam.

Have you ever been to buyer's request section? Most jobs are small jobs and grunt work ( and spam of course ) for which seller level doesn't matter much hence they post it on buyer's request because it doesn't matter who does it as long as it is cheap. If someone had a complex or important work to get done wouldn't they go to a professional or in this case TRS, isn't that why TRS have direct orders in the first place. More complex the job means long description and hence more wrong matches.

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8 minutes ago, vishdrawings said:

But that's not the case now is it, they are simply asking buyers to pay better TO the sellers who are asking for more already not the ones who are being underpaid.

Fiverr thinks that sellers should put up higher prices, and tries to reward those who do. For example, a couple of months ago Fiverr started demanding that anyone offering full website development puts a minimum price of $80 (instead of racing to the bottom as so many do). Those who did gained more exposure for their gigs, those who didn't are becoming increasingly difficult to find in search.

10 minutes ago, vishdrawings said:

If someone had a complex or important work to get done wouldn't they go to a professional or in this case TRS

If they can find a TRS who offers that kind of a complex job, yes. But there are those who need several different things done within the same project (or prefer one person to handle it all because it's easier that way for them), so they post a request.

11 minutes ago, vishdrawings said:

isn't that why TRS have direct orders in the first place.

You say this as if TRS are the only ones who get direct orders. And as if being a TRS guarantees having orders (it doesn't; some TRS spend quite a while without an order, and some level 2 sellers do much better than TRS).

13 minutes ago, vishdrawings said:

If there are no matches, there is not training the AI either.

And, like @vickieitonoticed, Fiverr doesn't seem fond of the sellers who are only able to get jobs via buyer requests.

It's really weird, when you think of it. Fiverr was never meant to be a bidding platform. There are other freelancing platforms out there, big ones, that are designed so that sellers would send proposals and get orders that way. So why do so many people insist that Fiverr turns into something it was never meant to be, instead of joining platforms that are more suitable for them?

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5 minutes ago, vishdrawings said:

I am not, because as I said before their "solution" is similar to saying "if you are homeless, just buy a house". If

Between the four of us, we've probably written around 30 (if not more) posts to directly AID new sellers on Fiverr. If you add all the others who helped, there's literally hundreds of posts! 

We shared tips and tricks that worked for US. I genuinely don't understand this growing dislike towards sellers who happen to be doing better than others. 

Yes, we're telling you that BR didn't work because it did NOT. Not because I didn't benefit from it (because at that points, i couldn't have cared less) BUT because people were being mislead, scammed on BOTH sides.
Do you know the last few months of creative/game writing BR?

We had a good... 5 people to choose from (yes, posting every week or so on different accounts, but that's totally normal, right?) 

a. was a person who needed 50 THOUSAND words for basically 60 dollars in one month. They had 20-30 replies at first (slowly less and less.. because something was sketchy, of course.) Tell me how that's worth it for the seller for a review? 

b. was a pervert who tried to quench their thirst by asking for woman's NON-CONSENSUAL experiences...in great detail. They also posted about other sketchy stories (so no, wasn't for a pure reason) that often could have involved MINORS.

c. was your regular seller posting again and again 'give me worrk, I'll be good'

d. was basically a but with a different project (game writing, i reckon for an even smaller budget)

e. was... ah, a good buyer. Yes, they popped up from time to time but... they likely didn't remain there for long. 

This basically went on and on - and if your theory is correct on TRS getting EVERYTHING and others getting nothing, I was able to see EVERY.SINGLE.BR. Maybe in other niches it wasn't THAT bad but.... from what I've heard on here, it wasn't much better. 
I also posted in BR several times and had my SELLER inbox full of messages of 'I saw your post, give me work'. 20-25 a time. 

BR COULD have been an awesome tool but it was awful. 

(By the way, I get basically the same briefs as above so far so not much has changed.)

No one is making false claims. Briefs are NEW and the experience they give everyone might still be different but if you look on the forum you WILL see that lower levelled sellers HAVE gotten briefs.

However, when you're on the site for years, at some point you need to fend for yourself and be able to attract buyers in the actual marketplace. You can't just constantly hunt for buyers.

I'll tell you something - before I made my 'return', I had the most basic profile ever. Generic ghostwriting, few gigs, etc. You know what I did to stand out? Made new gigs. Experimented. Tried to see what I was good at.

Everyone can do that - as an artist  there's so much MORE you can offer. Want more briefs / orders in general? Diversify. Seriously. You clearly have the talent so why not show it in different ways? 

Stop blaming others and the lack of BR because likely, little has to do with it. 

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5 minutes ago, catwriter said:

And as if being a TRS guarantees having orders (it doesn't; some TRS spend quite a while without an order, and some level 2 sellers do much better than TRS).

I checked back out of curiosity and ACTUALLY, I was averaging 2-3 more orders / month as a level 2 seller this year (before being promoted). I do earn more now but that's because I raised my prices by a lot when I became TRS. 

Being a TRS is great, yes - but it's never a guarantee. 

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5 minutes ago, catwriter said:

Fiverr thinks that sellers should put up higher prices, and tries to reward those who do. For example, a couple of months ago Fiverr started demanding that anyone offering full website development puts a minimum price of $80 (instead of racing to the bottom as so many do). Those who did gained more exposure for their gigs, those who didn't are becoming increasingly difficult to find in search.

That might work for you if you are a high level seller but it won't if you are a new seller. And as someone mentioned before, the marketplace is saturated, that's why it was a race to the bottom. Increasing the price would just scare the grunt work away too.

6 minutes ago, catwriter said:

If they can find a TRS who offers that kind of a complex job, yes. But there are those who need several different things done within the same project (or prefer one person to handle it all because it's easier that way for them), so they post a request.

How likely do you think is that there is seller who is offering the same several things that you want and will be matched with instead of random sellers who provide one or two of the things you asked. Regular search is still far better in my opinion, you can search for individual jobs and hire who you like most.

10 minutes ago, catwriter said:

You say this as if TRS are the only ones who get direct orders. And as if being a TRS guarantees having orders (it doesn't; some TRS spend quite a while without an order, and some level 2 sellers do much better than TRS).


8 minutes ago, katakatica said:

Between the four of us, we've probably written around 30 (if not more) posts to directly AID new sellers on Fiverr. If you add all the others who helped, there's literally hundreds of posts!

Let me repeat the TRS idea of help once again for you.

1. What do we do if there are no matches - train the AI by rejecting and accepting the matches.

2. How can I get new orders now that seller can't send offers and briefs won't match them - It's a good thing that you are not getting matches because we the TRS are getting matches ( so many that we don't even use )😄

The tips and tricks you mentioned worked for you, then it's good. Maybe some who is getting at least a few  matches can benefit from it. My dislike is growing because you are literally trying to tell people who are asking for how they can get orders that it is a good thing that TRS get orders and you don't. Your narrative goes like, I don't need buyer's request but you will not use it either.

20 minutes ago, katakatica said:

Do you know the last few months of creative/game writing BR?

As I said before I reworked ALL the sprites in paper mario game for 15$ as my first orders, do you have any idea how many sprites is that? But I had to do it to get my first order/review. Later when I levelled up I got paid 20$ to re-color one character's cheek on a game banner, took me 5 sec max. That initial boost helped me charge better prices. The buyer still paid me, you know why? Because he had a TRS make that banner for them and a revision from TRS would have costed him even more.

25 minutes ago, katakatica said:


No one is making false claims. Briefs are NEW and the experience they give everyone might still be different but if you look on the forum you WILL see that lower levelled sellers HAVE gotten briefs.

I have posted proof of whatever I found, I am still waiting for yours.

27 minutes ago, katakatica said:

However, when you're on the site for years, at some point you need to fend for yourself and be able to attract buyers in the actual marketplace. You can't just constantly hunt for buyers.

I know, that's why I was asking about "NEW SELLER" situation who are NOT on the platform for years. I am not a new seller.

29 minutes ago, katakatica said:

Everyone can do that - as an artist  there's so much MORE you can offer. Want more briefs / orders in general? Diversify. Seriously. You clearly have the talent so why not show it in different ways? 

Stop blaming others and the lack of BR because likely, little has to do with it. 

I literally asked ONE simple thing, is buyer's request dead, if yes what is the situation of briefs. If it is dead, one can focus on something else. Buyer's request worked for me because I work only on holidays, so I could look up what work was available at that time and do it instead of some buyer asking me in the inbox about a job that I can't do because I don't have free time at that moment.

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15 minutes ago, vishdrawings said:

I have posted proof of whatever I found, I am still waiting for yours.

48 minutes ago, katakatica said:

I posted a brief just out of curiosity. No budget (so could be high budget) flexible deadline. I did it for a logo because I actually need one at the moment, but I could post in game design later if you want (but not sure what difference that would make.) When I posted for game art in BR last year, I was mostly offered art for children's books (that was NOT what I wanted) so maybe now it'd be more relevant?

I was paired with 2! level one sellers and one level two seller. Not new sellers, admittedly, but level one. I'm trying to figure out how to make a screenshot to prove you (without showing names or my inbox as that's where the messages appeared) but... it took literally two minutes. 

I get it - not getting briefs in a more niche, well, niche is VERY likely because only certain people get them now (though that WAS a thing for BR on lower levels as well, just perhaps not this much) but that's why I told you to create more gigs. If you're only on here for the holidays, might not be worth it but it's something you can still do, isn't it? 
TRS advice is what works for us. We are successful sellers so maybe... giving it a shot might work? 
(THAT being said, I do NOT like the fact that they are inbox messages and they look like buyer messages - would love a better solution...)

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On 10/10/2022 at 12:27 PM, max3dmodel said:

what can we expect new feature is NEW and still learning, it will improve.

You are absolutely right. But I am confused about how much time it will take for the AI to learn. We were used to the old Buyer's Request feature. So we will also need some time to adjust. Lets see how this one turns out.

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2 hours ago, vishdrawings said:

Regular search is still far better in my opinion, you can search for individual jobs and hire who you like most.

It is, and it's meant to be, but some buyers just don't want to use it.

2 hours ago, vishdrawings said:


They can try to figure out how to stand out among countless others who offer the same service, and get direct orders instead of depending on the briefs. It can be done. @vickieitois the proof, she joined less than a year ago, her category is a very competitive one, and yet, she's thriving.

2 hours ago, vishdrawings said:

Let me repeat the TRS idea of help once again for you.

1. What do we do if there are no matches - train the AI by rejecting and accepting the matches.

2. How can I get new orders now that seller can't send offers and briefs won't match them - It's a good thing that you are not getting matches because we the TRS are getting matches ( so many that we don't even use )😄

No, the TRS advice is to stop holding onto buyer requests/briefs and start figuring out how to get noticed without them. Because that's how Fiverr was designed to work, and that's what Fiverr will support most: sellers who can stand out with outstanding work (and you can do that even before getting any reviews, with good gig description and, if you're a graphic designer, awesome gig images and an awesome portfolio).

2 hours ago, vishdrawings said:

I literally asked ONE simple thing, is buyer's request dead, if yes what is the situation of briefs.

Buyer requests are dead. Briefs won't work for someone who is only available on holidays (that could be one of the reasons you're not receiving briefs; why would Fiverr want to match a buyer with someone who isn't available?).

1 hour ago, katakatica said:

(THAT being said, I do NOT like the fact that they are inbox messages and they look like buyer messages - would love a better solution...)

I'm getting them in notifications, not in inbox. Perhaps Fiverr is testing what works better?

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35 minutes ago, catwriter said:

I'm getting them in notifications, not in inbox. Perhaps Fiverr is testing what works better?

When I see briefs, sometimes I see the option (as a seller) to message the buyer, so maybe that's why? I messaged all three sellers a quick 'thanks' (just in case) but I really would prefer two different systems. As a seller, I do get them as notifications as well (and not as actual messages) which is why I was a bit confused (but I guess it might be because I was given custom offers through the briefs?)

It's definitely imperfect but I actually like how it only matches you with 2-3 people at a time (from a buyer's perspective). It feels much easier/cleaner than having to look through 50-70 near-indentical answers like before. 

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47 minutes ago, catwriter said:

They can try to figure out how to stand out among countless others who offer the same service, and get direct orders instead of depending on the briefs. It can be done. @vickieitois the proof, she joined less than a year ago, her category is a very competitive one, and yet, she's thriving.

If they could do that, there wouldn't be any need of this post in the first place now would it? And there wouldn't be so many people asking for the same. There is 1 vickieito amongst hundreds of people asking for buyers request because they need it. Don't give the same logic of "It doesn't matter that you don't have orders because I do have orders. So it doesn't qualify as a problem to me and you can't complain about it". People are complaining because there is a problem, maybe you don't have that problem but it doesn't mean others don't.

47 minutes ago, catwriter said:

No, the TRS advice is to stop holding onto buyer requests/briefs and start figuring out how to get noticed without them. Because that's how Fiverr was designed to work, and that's what Fiverr will support most: sellers who can stand out with outstanding work (and you can do that even before getting any reviews, with good gig description and, if you're a graphic designer, awesome gig images and an awesome portfolio).

What good is the description and gig images if no one can see it? As I said before regular searches already shows "high quality sellers" first. That system was already in place, buyer's requests helped people get noticed. Now it is doing the same by matching TRS. Earlier the limit was on visibility of buyers request now it is on the probability of matching. So this option is essentially dead for new sellers.

47 minutes ago, catwriter said:

Buyer requests are dead. Briefs won't work for someone who is only available on holidays (that could be one of the reasons you're not receiving briefs; why would Fiverr want to match a buyer with someone who isn't available?).

Of course, that is entirely possible, plus I have a very generic job so it's easy to not get matched among hundreds of profile offering the same services. "Game Art" didn't show up any sub category in briefs either so that makes for even more unrelated matches. As for being available only on holidays goes, isn't that exactly what "pausing gigs" and "set availability" option for? I don't work often but I do keep all my stats up by responding to all the inquiries in my inbox but it turns out seller level is the biggest factor in the new system.

But keeping it all aside, as I mentioned earlier, my friend does have a unique job profile, he is level 2, comes up among top ten in regular searches and is getting orders through inbox BUT HASN'T GOTTEN A SINGLE MATCH EVER, which is perplexing. 

47 minutes ago, catwriter said:

I'm getting them in notifications, not in inbox. Perhaps Fiverr is testing what works better?

As a buyer I got it in the inbox too, it mentioned that this is related to your brief but it was a regular inbox message from the seller.

2 hours ago, katakatica said:

I was paired with 2! level one sellers and one level two seller. Not new sellers, admittedly, but level one. I'm trying to figure out how to make a screenshot to prove you (without showing names or my inbox as that's where the messages appeared) but... it took literally two minutes. 

You can see my screenshots from earlier replies. I posted same brief with same details and different budget ( according to the budget suggested by fiverr ). The seller I was matched with exclusively made pixel art and their first message was that they are not the right person for the job as they don't draw in the required art style. 😄 


8 minutes ago, katakatica said:

It's definitely imperfect but I actually like how it only matches you with 2-3 people at a time (from a buyer's perspective). It feels much easier/cleaner than having to look through 50-70 near-indentical answers like before. 

You can see those 2-3 profiles of "high quality" sellers in regular search even more if you want to scroll the page. And it WILL match since you put the keywords in the search bar yourself instead of AI guessing it from your description. Plus there will be no self promotion fake matches either. Do not pretend to be on the buyer side when giving answers benefitting seller side. TRS stands for top rated "sellers" not top rated "buyers" 😄 

Edited by vishdrawings
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