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To Writers and Story Tellers, i need some ideas.


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Hello everybody.

Since this is the casual conversation section, im not gonna say im sorry! But avert yer eyes if you are sensitive.

Here is the deal, i am working on a project to launch soon. Its mostly visuals, but i am also adding some stories. Here are some details;

Monarchs of the seven deadly sins:

We got kings and queens, cursed for eternity to repeat their sins and leave their kingdoms in ruins. As well as their people, and neighboor empires. Each sin is represented by a monarch. And each monarch have their own little story about how they have left their kingdoms in ruin.

I will give you some examples. Not in exact story writtings but as a brief information.

Gluttony represents a king who is all gutted and bloated, carried by his pathethic slaves, has formed an additional mouth on his gut to consume more. His curse is to consume with a never ending hunger, started with his royal castles kitchen. Moves to his peoples kitchen. Kings hunger knew no bounds, soldiers pillaging their own common peoples kitchens to feed the king. Soon the food reserves were not enough, so he consumed the animals, and finally his soldiers, slaves and peasants. Now he lumbers in his empty kingdom, his slaves are so hungry they are barely walking let alone carry him. 

Not enough? here is another one to cheer you up.

Envy represents a queen who once was proud of her kingdom and what it represents. As she was joining high tables with other kingdoms rulers she slowly interested in their crowns and all the shiny armaments the other emperors and empresses wear and posses on themselves. At one point she snaps, she kills her own husband, takes his crown(literally) Leaves the castle and searches for other kings and queens to murder and take their belongings. To her, crown represents everything they own, so once she gets the crown, she gets everything. As she contunes this merciless chain king murder, all kingdoms fall to chaos, anarchy and lawlessness is at its highest. Now she is in a dark cave, sits on a pile of crowns with blades in each hand, ready to protect whoever comes to take her collection. Whenever a new form of ruler has risen, she hunts them down and take their symbol of rule and add to her collection.

You get the taste of the idea.

Now my question is to you writers, iam about to finish this one and would like to launch new ones. And i like the hints of the old mythologies and stories to connect. First for marketing reasons, secondly, its more interesting to me if there is a solid background. Here are some other ideas i have in my mind similar to the seven deadly sins kinda concepts.

Four horseman of the apocalypse

9 depths of hell 

What else can you add? 

Edited by ozan_erdi
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How interesting! In a short time and before coffee, the only things I could come up with are the four (or more) elements, four cardinal directions, and the five senses... although I'm not sure what you could do with those! They're not on the same wavelength as the ones you chose. Are you looking specifically from religious mythology?


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Just now, melanielm said:

How interesting! In a short time and before coffee, the only things I could come up with are the four (or more) elements, four cardinal directions, and the five senses... although I'm not sure what you could do with those! They're not on the same wavelength as the ones you chose. Are you looking specifically from religious mythology?


Not spesificly religious actually. I am down with disney princesses aswell. Its just so happens that things came to my mind  are religious. Older and more known they are, more references i have and better ideas i can come up with.

Usually my works are going to be dark and grim, but not in the shocking direction. Its like "yeah, that is what i was looking for" kinda thing. You know its going to be horrible, thats why you picked it up and guess what? It is horrible. Thats why im not going for disney princesses, whoever i can do some witches instead.

5 senses is an amazing idea. Its neutral and can bend in any way it needs to. Thank you for that. I immdediately tought of a prisoner in chains, eyes are removed so it cant see anymore. Maybe lack of those senses are what i need to do. It works.

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On 10/8/2022 at 3:02 PM, ozan_erdi said:

Now my question is to you writers, iam about to finish this one and would like to launch new ones. And i like the hints of the old mythologies and stories to connect. First for marketing reasons, secondly, its more interesting to me if there is a solid background. Here are some other ideas i have in my mind similar to the seven deadly sins kinda concepts.

Four horseman of the apocalypse

9 depths of hell 

What else can you add? 

I seem to perhaps misunderstanding something but your asking for a connection to your two examples? As in tie them into an overarching world? Also is this a personal project or something your doing for someone else as in someone is paying you for this?

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21 hours ago, kosmtheandric said:

I seem to perhaps misunderstanding something but your asking for a connection to your two examples? As in tie them into an overarching world? Also is this a personal project or something your doing for someone else as in someone is paying you for this?

No no, im just looking for different ideas. Nothing to tie. All the examples i have given are independent from each other. Those are just some concepts i liked.

Also, personal project.

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Sorry for the long wait forgot I had posted a question here.
Duality is a beautiful thing when we often describe evil things we always grasp for the thing easiest to comprehend or identify with. Traditionally the 7 sins are very easy for this, foundational wrongdoing or vices. I like to turn stuff on a dime and switch them up and make the good bad instead. Too much love turns sour overprotectiveness turns children into sniveling useless beings unable to take care of themselves. Munch hausen by proxy for instance is a mental issue that parents make their own children sick in order to garner sympathy or attention. These are all very interesting things to play with. Too much happiness turns to euphoria an inability to see danger or the truth of things, or better be happy OR ELSE!! Love makes blind or rise tinted glasses we see the ideal partner instead they act as a demon in disguise with actions or words. Empathy can cripple a person to its fundamentals unable to do or help just witness and relive or live through their pain. As you notice you can bend things almost in any which way you really want to but these concepts became increasingly harder to manage and depict. This should help you though in writing a story in your artwork. Wrath is easy (it is someone or something very pissed off or angry murdering someone) the other options above are very much more subtle or harder to depict.

Edited by kosmtheandric
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