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"extend review time" - Test


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This new extension time is still way better than any other platform which makes you chase down the money! I don’t work on other platforms because of this reason. I don’t have time to keep hounding people for payment. I think this option is a good thing for buyers. Put yourself in their place. If the 3 days is looming and you are afraid it will pass because perhaps you are new on the platform… and you aren’t sure if the seller will even help you once it’s completed. 

I personally tell people that I will work with them until it’s done! So perhaps Fiverr and sellers were feeling a bit “left out to dry” and needed a professional way to extend some reassurance to the buyers. It would be great if there were caps on the amount of days like no more than 3 days or 2 extensions.

So as a seller, you should define your revision policies in your order requirements so the buyers feel confident going in. 

I do like the idea that we can extend the days to through the use of a button but buyers have deadlines. 

If there is a seller abusing this new feature then report it to customer service. 


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From my perspective, having been on this platform for countless years, this is hardly a win-win buyer-seller strategy. With this approach, not only does the seller see his earnings spread out, but there's also the possibility that the buyer will extend the review period to 5 days. If the seller is unavailable from the fourth day (maybe even until the eighth day) and then the buyer requests a revision on the sixth day, the seller won't be able to provide a timely revision. This will undoubtedly lower the average buyer satisfaction.

Besides, I believe that the revision system was already adequate. If the buyer needs more time to review an order, they can simply request a revision, which ensures that the order remains open and prevents auto-completion. If an order has no revisions, there's no problem.

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agree! Revisions should be a system-enforced thing. Sellers already set the amount of revisions included when they set up their packages. This would prevent buyer-abuse of this button if they automatically start getting charged for any additional revisions (or at least get a pop-up warning saying, "If you proceed with this revision request you will be charged "X" amount in USD.).

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In my opinion, its a bad idea if used without consent of the seller. A buyer can misuse this feature and keep extending the review date. It must be a agreement between buyer and seller or review period should be extendable one time only so no one can misuse it. Also maximum extension period should be 10-15 days otherwise, it wont be possible to prohibit buyers to misuse it. 

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You're spot on! This new extension feature is a game-changer, making payments and deadlines less stressful for freelancers and buyers. Your commitment to working with buyers until completion is admirable. Setting reasonable extension limits and defining revision policies upfront is smart. While extensions are helpful, buyers often have tight deadlines. Reporting misuse is essential for platform integrity. Thanks for sharing your insights! 👍🙌

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I’ve had a buyer keep an order open by constantly extending the review period each time I make a revision. It’s been open for over a month now, and I haven’t been compensated for any work yet.

There needs to be a limit to the amount of times they can do this, it’s very frustrating and it’s already being abused.

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I recently had someone extend the review time by 5 days, request a revision for a minuscule little tweak that took me less than a minute to do, and then extend the review time by another 5 days. 

No one needs the whole 7-8 days to come up with a revision like this. No one needs another 7-8 days to think it over.

In my entire time on the platform, of all the things, popular or unpopular, that Fiverr has introduced (including reviews on canceled orders) this is the only update that I can’t come around to. It's getting consistently worse and less manageable with each instance. It's no longer "oh, I'll add one day 'cause it's Sunday". 

You give a buyer tools to turn every tiny tweak into a week-long affair (8 days, to be precise) without any warning - it messes with my plans and schedules. 

I will be rewriting my gig terms to outline the timeframes I’m comfortable with. Hopefully, it will encourage people to either stick to them, discuss alternatives with me beforehand, or move along. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have orders placed 1 month ago, and 2 months ago

- The buyers are abusing of this "Unlimited" Extend Review Time

- The sellers can not do anything about it, just wait Unlimited Days.

For how many times Fiverr will keep ignoring all sellers request about this situation?


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