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How do you feel about Mondays?


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I feel like many people hate the start of the week - which makes sense as it means 'back to work'. 

When I didn't take the weekends off writing fully, I didn't really feel it because, well, I worked on the wekeends, too, so... it didn't matter, right?

Now that I try not to work over Saturday/Sunday (I reply to messages if needed, but that's all) it's gotten harder to start the week again.

Do you feel the same? Or are you one of the people who are happy for the new beginning of the week? 

(I do have to mention, I think part of the reason I'm so grumpy THIS specific Monday is because our apartment is being renovated so I woke up to drilling at like, 7AM. Whenever they work near the bedroom it feels like everything will fall off the walls! My office desk is right by that window, too, so it's not fun.) 

And another question. If you do get grumpy on Mondays like I do, how do you cheer yourself up? Do you treat yourself to something nice? Or just power through the day? 

- When I'm done writing for the day I'll spend the rest of it playing Potion Permit, making some tea (with milk and honey!) and I'm cooking something that I love so it'll feel a bit more special!

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22 minutes ago, katakatica said:

When I didn't take the weekends off 

I'm still at this stage (I need to sort it out and get some time back), so everyday for me still feels like both a Sunday or a Monday!

As for what I do... food, glorious food! That's always my go to treat, or perhas a fun coffee like a mocha! I just love my food, it really is my simple pleasure!

Although I indulged a little too much in April, May and June and packed on 20Kg! My clothes stopped fitting! Fortunately I've dropped most of it since then, so now I can give myself treats again!

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I hate it. Disgusting. I have to get up at 06.00 am and immediately rush into getting ready. Its been 175 hours but time is still 13.00. I dont trust physics anymore. 

I dont particularly get grumpy. But i will not be happy thats for sure.

As for how i get trough it, i just power trough i guess. I dont have a special ritual for it. Im waiting to get fired. I think fabuary is the month that im gonna get the good news. After that i will try and do freelance full time and quit the 9-5 if i can get a good hold on it. 

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Mondays are a weird one when you have small kids.  The house at the weekend is a hive of activity when they're around. But then when the clock strikes 9:10 on Monday morning it's just silence.  Nice in one way, weird in another. 

Like @williambryan392  I work a lot of weekends and it can be strange when the days all mould into one, especially when you're on a zoom call and your 5 year old strolls into your office to show my customer her Elsa doll in her underwear.  😀 (Yes, that happened on Saturday) 

But the one great thing about Mondays, is I can turn my music up and play whatever funky shit I like without my kids and partner looking at me in embarrassment.   


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14 minutes ago, williambryan392 said:

As for what I do... food, glorious food! That's always my go to treat, or perhas a fun coffee like a mocha! I just love my food, it really is my simple pleasure!


Honestly, good food helps a lot! I might make an iced latte after lunch - in the morning it's a bit hard and (luckily for my pockets) Starbucks/Espresso House don't deliver here xD) when I work from outside I do indulge though, but I've yet to find REALLY good coffee here. 

One of the reasons I'm off more now is partially the fact that my partner is mostly only free on weekends so I want to be able to go out/do stuff. However, sometimes I still end up writing a bit here and there but.. it can be great xD 

I'm cooking mala chicken (which is just chicken with sechuan pepper and other spices) tonight and honestly can't wait xD food is also part of my 'love language' so yeah. 

9 minutes ago, ozan_erdi said:

I hate it. Disgusting. I have to get up at 06.00 am and immediately rush into getting ready. Its been 175 hours but time is still 13.00. I dont trust physics anymore. 


Ugh, that sounds awful! I hope that you get fired soon (I.. this sounds so weird to write lol) but honestly, 6AM wake-ups I don't miss for sure. 9-5 with all the chronic pain and crap I have really hurt me in the long run. Sometimes I work more now but it's less restricted/I can take time off when not feeling well so it's been really helpful lol.

8 minutes ago, breals said:

Like @williambryan392  I work a lot of weekends and it can be strange when the days all mould into one, especially when you're on a zoom call and your 5 year old strolls into your office to show my customer her Elsa doll in her underwear.  😀 (Yes, that happened on Saturday) 


Come on, that's PRECIOUS! I used to work with kids, often lived in the same house so I've... seen that a lot . Kids love being involved (but... obviously, some customers might not appreciate it :D)
When my partner isn't home I steal his desk when cooking so I can use his speakers - not sure if the neighbours appreicate the weird pop/kpop lol 

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1 minute ago, katakatica said:

5 year old strolls into your office to show my customer her Elsa doll


1 minute ago, katakatica said:

Come on, that's PRECIOUS!

We all know you've planned that with your daugher@breals😉, what a great way to soften clients / team members and build that human feel / trust with them. You're probably getting her buy in with some sweets. Frankly I'm impressed!

(Stating the obvious I'm joking).

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14 minutes ago, williambryan392 said:

(Stating the obvious I'm joking).

Hey you might be onto something there.  Keep a look out for my next gig. 

I will let my 5 year old daughter and her Elsa doll convince you to buy a website design from me.

Surely that will be Fiverr's choice by the end of the week?

Please note, that in the spirit of sharing and caring on this forum she is available for custom work at the rate of 5 lollipops per hour! 😀


Edited by breals
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Guest chat5x20

A long time ago I seemed to have adopted the idea that I like treating Monday's as if it was January 1st (the first day of the new year). I truly don't know where this idea came from but it works. I feel fairly hopeful, organised and motivated on Monday's/January 1st as a result, as a non-drinker of alcohol needless to say. I know that a lot of people sleep through January 1st in this neck of the woods after a heavy night saying goodbye to the year gone by, haha. 

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2 hours ago, breals said:

Please note, that in the spirit of sharing and caring on this forum she is available for custom work at the rate of 5 lollipops per hour! 😀


I'd love to hire her to deal with some  - childish -clients! I feel like she'd get through to them better than I ever could. 

(once again, joking!) But I bet she'd love Swedish candy 😄 I just found some that taste like actual cherry, it's crazy. (we raid the candy store on Saturdays which is one thing to look forward to.)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Mondays don't really bother me anymore than the other days.  I also work weekends so I do not currently adhere to the 9-5 5 day a week grind.


My theory on why people hate Mondays is that humans do not like change coupled with the mental conditioning that Monday is bad but Friday is good.  It's just a "simple matter" of breaking the conditioning and discarding preconceived notions of others.

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