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2 Fiverr Accoutns Can Be Opened on a Single PC


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I and my brother ofen use a single PC to work on Fiverr to complete projects. He works as a social media marketing manager, and I am a professional animator. We have separate payment methods and different skills to sell. Moreover, he created his account on a laptop while I used my PC. Later on, his laptop malfunctioned, and then we started working on the PC. However, one thing needs to be remembered, 2 accounts can not be created from a single PC, one payment method cannot be used for two accounts and above all, services need to be discrete. 

I contacted the Fiverr team and they let me know all this. 

I am sharing this information because many rumors are being floated that two accounts by two different freelancers cannot be opended at the time of need, they can be opened as I explained above.

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Fiverr is a great place to sell your skills and services, yet it can also be a tough market. If you're looking to win more gigs and make more money, here are three tips that can help:

1. Be Clear About What You're Offering

If you don't know what your gig is, how can anyone else? Make sure to clearly state the services you offer, and how long each will take.

2. Add relevant keywords in your title and description

This will help your gig show up in search results when potential buyers are looking for someone with the same skill set as you have!

3. Offer a Referral Program

You can offer a discount for referring someone who buys your gig. This will help you get more orders and make it easier for your clients to spread the word about your services.

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