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I didn't get any sale

Guest pmslnr

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Guest pmslnr

I joined to fiverr before 3 months ago, but didn’t get any sale yet. I am very interesting with typing and able to delivery within 24 hours!!!


That first sale can be tricky. It’s a matter of sharing your links on social networks, telling people about it,… The first sale will almost always come from someone you know. After that first sale, in my experience, it gets a lot easier to be found through Fiverr. Just make sure you get a good first couple of reviews (if that’s even still possible with ARS)

Guest pmslnr

Thank you sooooooooooo much for your ideas. Definitely, It will help me to promote my gig. 🙂


Hi pmslnr 🙂

please allow me to offer some tips.

I had a difficult time when I was a newcomer one year ago. It tool me weeks before I got my first order and… I didn’t ask anyone from my friends to order my gig so I get a good first review. I am too proud for that 🙂 I want to deserve what I get :smiley:

What did I do meanwhile?..

  1. I was patient 🙂

  2. I was optimistic 🙂

  3. I read the forum Tips everyday. I learned a lot from the ‘veterans’ here and responded to other fiverrs’ questions whenever I knew something of course.

  4. I promoted my gigs in my social media. You can use facebook, twitter, blog etc. Send visitors to have a look at your amazing fiverr gig.

  5. I made a facebook page with my fiverr starred gigs. The ones I keep in my collections on Fiverr. I posted there any gig I found really interesting. I made free promotion to fellow fiverr sellers in this way without them even knowing I did so. That was fun and… good karma 🙂

  6. I did research for one hour per day searching other sellers gigs in my category and learned from the Top rated and the Level 2 ones.

    and much more…

    all the best with your gig! 🙂

Guest pmslnr

Hi happyspace!

Thanks for sharing your experience and i hope i can be like you 🙂

Good luck to make more money!!!




api lankawe ne…e nisa onna mn sinhalaenma kiyannamko… mma oyage gigs diha beluwa… orders enne nette oyage gigs wala prob ekek mn hithanne…

lankawe godak aya fiverr eke orders gnnawa withrai orders dena aya tikakai adui,ithin oya gig eke dala thyenne sinhalen type karanawa kiyla…so suddanta one enen sinhalen type karanna…

fiverr eke suddo thmaia godak order dennne…suddnata ona karana wedakata gig ekek danna…dala nikana inna epa…eka promaote karanna…fb eke hari thawa social media wala promaote karanna…

thawa hemadama fiverr log wenna…pu;uwan hema welawemalog wela inna…

oya logogs hadanna dakshanam logos walata gigi ekek danna…w wage graphics weda walata orders wedi…

oyata type karnnam puluwan…danna english walin type karanwa kiyla…

thwa wisthra monwahari onnenma mage fiveer acc ekata msg ekek danna…

jaya wewa!!!

LUCKY (Shermila)


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