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I am a level one seller, but due to one private negative feedback my gig is effected so badly, first my gig was on the first page and now it is on 23rd page, Is there any idea to while the gig rating is 4.9 is their any idea or solution how to deal with the private negative feedback that i get from my client.

Thank you


Underpromise and overdeliver. Not vice versa.

As for this situation, bring in repeat or local clients to the gig to increase its standing.

Performance stats for gigs are calculated over a 90-day period. For profiles, it is 60 days.

Also, take a good look at your services and past orders and see what you could have done better.

Hope this helps!

PS. Only take on projects and clients which are more likely to result in a satisfactory experience for both parties. Fiverr does not care if you are the best in your field. The most important thing, right now, is having satisfied customers.

PS2. Increase your prices and stop offering unlimited revisions. You are attracting abuse in this way.


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