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What makes you unique/original?


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So - this is a post I meant to write last night, but ended up working a bit extra instead, however that means I have more time today! Anyway, so!

First of all, as people, we are of course all unique and great and stuff - but I'm thinking more on the professional 'end' here.

With all the sort of 'new' (aka, previously unwritten, now written) rules about originality/not stealing/etc. coming out in the TOS and just in general often seeing the same few gigs (with very similar examples/etc.) I've been thinking a lot about the concept of being original, I suppose. Obviously, in an online marketplace as big as this, there will always be people who offer similar things to what we do - but what makes us (or others) more popular? Other than it being down to just talent of course, what is that extra 'oomph' factor that makes buyers order from certain sellers? 

So, this sort of train of thought lead to me wondering what makes ME stand out? The answer was.. of course, the crazy hair! (If you want a serious answer, I can also write one up later, but I want to kickstart the convo first for once!) SO: 

From more seasoned/popular sellers, I'd love to hear what you think is 'new/fresh' about you - and from newbies, I'd also love to hear what new you think you can bring to the table? What is it that you (think or know) sets you apart?

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What makes me stand out??

As a Fiverr seller??
To be honest I'm not sure. I draw and translate, but there are SO many people here with multiple skills so I don't think I'm that unique.
I do understand two languages and the differences in the culture between the states in Japan but...again there are plenty of people like that here.

I have cats at home, nothing new, my hair is getting pretty long because I'm growing it out for donation but I'm sure there are people with
longer hair...I'm a foodie...I'm a nerd...I suck at whistling and I can't snap my fingers...

OK, I have dozens of kimonos, that makes me a bit different. Sorry, that's the only thing I can come up with!!

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20 hours ago, katakatica said:

Other than it being down to just talent of course, what is that extra 'oomph' factor that makes buyers order from certain sellers?

I wish I could answer this, however, if I did, other new sellers would copy my uniqueness -- with the errant belief that my uniqueness would instantly make them successful as well -- and, well, then I wouldn't be unique anymore. 😉 

20 hours ago, katakatica said:

From more seasoned/popular sellers, I'd love to hear what you think is 'new/fresh' about you

Well, since I've been selling, successfully, on Fiverr for more than eight years, I don't think that "new" applies to me anymore. As far as "fresh", I'll say, my honesty as as seller, and my geniune desire to help those who hire me. That has never changed over the years, and remains "fresh" to each new client.

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3 hours ago, jonbaas said:

I wish I could answer this, however, if I did, other new sellers would copy my uniqueness

Well, they can copy me as it's not anything specific :))

I think in my case it's determination and creativity. I always try to adapt to new content requirements, which can be a challenge for writers. And I also try to come up with new gig ideas (which over the years were copied by other sellers of course, hence the reason I understand @jonbaas's sentiment).

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3 hours ago, jonbaas said:

wish I could answer this, however, if I did, other new sellers would copy my uniqueness -- with the errant belief that my uniqueness would instantly

Yeah I suppose in my case (quirky blue haired gamer girl with a penchant for writing) the chance of being outright copied is smaller since well... You'd have to truly commit! But at a second thought I totally understand where you're coming from (though I'm not sure copycats actually read posts like this but you never know! 

(Obviously what truly makes me unique is all the weird stuff I offer and not my aesthetic but... Even then. I have been copied  though but rather oddly before haha)

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23 hours ago, katakatica said:

what makes ME stand out?

I think all of my gigs, even though they are in high competition categories, are uniquely mine, because I just do things differently than what most people do in those categories. I think that's why I only attract a certain type of buyer. 

My buyers really like how I know what they want more than they do. If they come to me with an idea and ask for a specific thing, and I don't think their requests meets their own needs, I'll suggest a better solution for them.

I'm also really into the details and do a lot of research so that I can bring clarity to their projects. This is especially true for my curriculum building gig where I could be creating lessons and content in a variety of formats and designs (e.g., ebooks, ecourses, presentations, videos, etc). Most of those buyers only have a topic picked out, and haven't even thought of what their course would look like. It's my job to show them the possibilities.

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OH! Self pampering time!

For fiverr;

I offer a unique dark art style without boundaries. I can go above and beyond with blood and gore, nudities or political incorrectness. Do you want slave children with goat heads eating prophets and gods? I am your guy! All of your phobias, horror stories or taboos are opened with me! In fact, i am preparing a portfolio for horror illustrations gig, but the gallery must be a little modest, that is a bummer.

Other than that, i can offer stories about my drawings, or boost yours up. Other than visual consultations, i also offer story based consultations comes with illustrations no extra charge! Just because i like doing it. Maybe i should consider doing it for money too.

And lastly, combined with my architecture background, i can offer unique designs for all my visuals.

For life;

I look like a jacked up coffee barista who has math degree with motorcycle and art sprinkled in!

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This is a wonderful post to help us analyze ourselves! With that being said, it threw me into a little bit of an existential crisis I have to admit 😅

12 hours ago, vickieito said:

My buyers really like how I know what they want more than they do. If they come to me with an idea and ask for a specific thing, and I don't think their requests meets their own needs, I'll suggest a better solution for them.

So, to ease myself into providing my own analysis, I'm going to steal this from @vickieito and say this applies to my services too. A lot of people don't write poetry themselves, so they look to me (the professional) to guide them. Someone called me 'the doctor of poems' the other day and that has quite a ring to it, doesn't it? 🤓

If I had to think of other points that make me professionally unique it's neither my service (writing poetry) nor my profile (I put the effort into writing my description of course, but I'm aware it's not innovative or inheritably different). 

Perhaps my uniqueness lies in approaching my client's requests as if I'm in their situation. I guess I'd describe it as being a chameleon and adjusting myself to the colors of their story, making it my own, and writing about it as if I were the one experiencing it. But then again, that's also the core poetry. So I assume any of my competitors do the same....😵

Did I identify my unique selling point? No ha, because my uniqueness as a seller often only comes to light once a buyer has already ordered from me or plans to. The customer care I provide, the way I communicate, and of course the final product where I put my heart and soul in. In short, what I've noticed is I'm able to connect words to feelings that are often indescribable for the ones that come to me.

Of course, I'm aware what I'm doing here on Fiverr as a seller trying to sell, but I'm also just being me. And I'm having (somewhat) regular orders, so I guess whatever I'm doing works! But I'm also aware there's always room for improvement but I wouldn't know where to begin (but that's a whole different topic haha).

And a little sidenote; the fact I'm now having an existential crisis is not your fault 😜 

Thank you for this original post! 

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