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What are you looking forward to this fall?


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I admit, this post is - somewhat - late, but to be fair, leaves are just starting to yellow here, so... we're still on time!

So... let's get down to business already! What are you looking forward to in this new season? Is there something you're not looking forward to? 

Just in general, how was your summer? 

(I know, lots of questions!)

For me... I'm going away for a few days in a bit (not decided yet), just doing a little solo-trip somewhere. I sometimes get a bit antsy and travelling helps me re-set. I also finally got an electric kettle, so I'm really looking forward to true cosy-sweater weather when I can just sip tea and watch/ play something!

Ah, AND finally I'll have access to an airfryer, so next time I make ramen it will be with actually tasty super-tender porkbelly...hopefully, that is!

What I'm NOT looking forward to is (hopefully soon) saying goodbye to my wisdom teeth. I'm worried this will make me less smart 😞 Jokes aside, it's something I've wanted to do for a bit but I'm not looking forward to the recovery/etc. pain! The good thing is, I get to take some time off...maybe! September is looking somewhat busy so far (?) but I'll see better in a week or so I think. Definitely lots of fun stuff to work on, though! 

And as my summer... it was interesting! Didn't get to travel as much as last year as I didn't volunteer this year (I taught English to teens last year.) but it was still great! Still did a lot of stuff, though! In true Kata-fashion, I was also sick quite often, but hopefully next year I'll be more used to the country/weather. 

But yeah, that's me for now! I'd love to see what you guys are up to / have been up to, and just chat a bit as we often do!

(also, we have... an embarrassing amount of ice-cream still piled up in the freezer from the heat wave, so I'm somewhat looking forward to finishing that as well, I guess!)

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4 minutes ago, katakatica said:

I admit, this post is - somewhat - late, but to be fair, leaves are just starting to yellow here, so... we're still on time!

What?! Leaves are already changing color? Summer has gone by way to fast!!!

My kids are back in school and my youngest is being homeschooled, so I'm back to lesson planning and teaching.

I'm looking forward to the kids having a more normal sleeping schedule.

My favorite time of year is from October (my birthday month) to December. So I'm looking forward to everything! Cooler weather means I can layer up on clothes. I also love eating baked goods and hot stew, soup, and chili during the colder months. Cornbread would go well with the chili. 😋

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12 minutes ago, vickieito said:

I'm looking forward to the kids having a more normal sleeping schedule.


I bet! Honestly, I'm sort of glad the heat is over, even without kiddos it's been a struggle to sleep without AC. Good luck with all the crazy back-to-school stuff!
I'm super looking forward to getting new cosy sweaters - with my hair blue I want something that matches. Found one that matched my hair exactly but didn't buy it - might go back for it soon!

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6 hours ago, katakatica said:

What are you looking forward to in this new season? Is there something you're not looking forward to? 

I'm looking forward to finally getting my new home theater room ready. Just bought the carpets today. Still lots to buy and build: sofa, acoustic treatment, mount for the projector, a projector screen, red velvet curtains... The list goes on. My goal is to be up and running with a 120" image and surround sound before Christmas. After that, I'll be installing Dolby Atmos speakers in the ceiling. I also need a second couch to make an additional row of seats, raised up behind the front row. That's gonna be fun.

The wife insists on celebrating Christmas in Norway with the in-laws. That, I'm not looking forward to. Cramped into a tiny house with all the in-laws. Good lord. 

6 hours ago, katakatica said:

Just in general, how was your summer? 

My summer was excellent. Lots of nice weather (surprise, surprise, it's the Canary Islands!) but now that winter is knocking at the door, I expect colder temperatures, rain and lots of fog. It'll be a nice change, but my joints and cold urticaria will probably make it miserable. I'm buying an oven. Houses here are made of concrete and stone with absolutely no insulation. When it gets 10 degrees up here in the mountain in the winter time, I'll probably regret saying I look forward to the winter. 


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13 hours ago, katakatica said:

super-tender porkbelly

OOOOOHHHHHH, my favorite!! Buta-bara-ramen!!

I dunno why but in Japan fall is said to be the season for a big appetite ( for me the season doesn't matter at all!) so I'll be eating a lot for sure.
Just need to make sure to hit the gym and keep the weight off!
I'm looking forward to the temperature cooling down, the humidity in Tokyo is just....annoying. I can take the heat, but the humidity is a killer.

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1 hour ago, zeus777 said:

OOOOOHHHHHH, my favorite!! Buta-bara-ramen!!

That looks amazing! I've made chasu in a pan a couple of times before but it's just not THAT tender - when you go to the few authentic-ish ramen shops you have here, it's always melt-in-your-mouth! (well, in the good places, that is.) 
Last time when I was cooking it was ridiculously funny - I make a spicy miso base so I use Chinese (broad bean? red bean?) paste and miso, but couldn't get the jar open. Used gochujang instead, but... the funny thing is, it was the BEST ramen I've made so far! (however, me struggling with the jar was.. probably the actually ridiculous part of it ha.)

It was rather humid here as well, but I think that also dropped when it got cold (it was an overnight, sudden thing, almost freaky!) here in Stockholm. I hope you get proper fall weather soon in Tokyo as well!
(though I'm silently hoping that if we manage to go next year, which is the plan, the weather gods will bless us with smog-free days and a nice-enough heat to enjoy all the outdoor-ish stuff I'm hoping to do!) 

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Another post that i have been looking for from the non-elden ring lady!

15 hours ago, katakatica said:

saying goodbye to my wisdom teeth.

I had all my 4 wisdom teeth removed by surgery when i was 16 or something. They were underground and going sideways, making drama. So we had them executed 1 by 1 each week. It was NOT a pleasant experience. I couldnt open my mouth for a month to eat properly. It was just straws and liquids. And because i lost all of my wisdom teeth at age 16, i dont remember my previous years. I hope you do better.

After this day-brightening news, let me share what i have got.

My summer was meh, nothing good or bad happened. Still waiting my fiverr acount to recover from the blows i had taken in may. My gigs are all over the floor, dying of thirst. But future is bright. I had some new good looking paintings ready. Gallery uploaded, added a project that i have worked before. I need someone to make a professional looking portfolio and im ready to play for the TRS this time, if its even a thing you can aim at.

For the next couple of months, i had a great opportunity. Or at least i'd like to think that is an oppurtunity. One of my clients from fiverr is almost ready to release the vampire game project that i have worked as the art director and character designer. Now im in their core team, and we are going to germany at october, and paris at november for some presentations and meeting with their investors. Its a big thing for me. And as a beer lover, germany at october sounds really really good! Maybe some rich investor there would love my drawings and open a new path for me, who knows? Im excited!

And last night, i had an awful dream. Me and Charles Boyle(yes, from the show Brooklyn nine-nine) was at my house chilling. Suddenly small dinosaur skeletons(about a small dog sized) has surrounded my house and we had to fight them. It is interesting and funny when im telling about it. But it was a scary nightmare. Couldnt sleep the rest of the night because of it.

In short, i have plans, i have exciting opportunities and scary nightmares that looks fun!


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1 minute ago, ozan_erdi said:

Another post that i have been looking for from the non-elden ring lady!

I had all my 4 wisdom teeth removed by surgery when i was 16 or something. They were underground and going sideways, making drama. So we had them executed 1 by 1 each week. It was NOT a pleasant experience. I couldnt open my mouth for a month to eat properly. It was just straws and liquids. And because i lost all of my wisdom teeth at age 16, i dont remember my previous years. I hope you do better.

After this day-brightening news, let me share what i have got.

My summer was meh, nothing good or bad happened. Still waiting my fiverr acount to recover from the blows i had taken in may. My gigs are all over the floor, dying of thirst. But future is bright. I had some new good looking paintings ready. Gallery uploaded, added a project that i have worked before. I need someone to make a professional looking portfolio and im ready to play for the TRS this time, if its even a thing you can aim at.

For the next couple of months, i had a great opportunity. Or at least i'd like to think that is an oppurtunity. One of my clients from fiverr is almost ready to release the vampire game project that i have worked as the art director and character designer. Now im in their core team, and we are going to germany at october, and paris at november for some presentations and meeting with their investors. Its a big thing for me. And as a beer lover, germany at october sounds really really good! Maybe some rich investor there would love my drawings and open a new path for me, who knows? Im excited!

And last night, i had an awful dream. Me and Charles Boyle(yes, from the show Brooklyn nine-nine) was at my house chilling. Suddenly small dinosaur skeletons(about a small dog sized) has surrounded my house and we had to fight them. It is interesting and funny when im telling about it. But it was a scary nightmare. Couldnt sleep the rest of the night because of it.

In short, i have plans, i have exciting opportunities and scary nightmares that looks fun!



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44 minutes ago, ozan_erdi said:

i dont remember my previous years. I hope you do better.

Oh no!

Jokes aside, I only have to get 2 out and they are actually 'out' so I'm hoping it won't be worse than a normal extraction, but then next year I'm undergoing actual jaw surgery which is... terrifying (well, if I even manage to go through it, that is!) Dental stuff for me has always felt just so.. creepy even when they do it without pain o.o

To be fair, I already struggle with eating sometimes due to my jaw-issues, so I don't think it can get much worse (but...famous last words, right?) 

47 minutes ago, ozan_erdi said:

to play for the TRS this time, if its even a thing you can aim at.

Fun fact - my impressions/etc. hit an ALL-TIME LOW like, seriously, right before I got the TRS badge. It was... really weird (?) but.. it happened! Good luck with picking your account back up! It's not easy but... it's possible! 

49 minutes ago, ozan_erdi said:

aybe some rich investor there would love my drawings and open a new path for me, who knows? Im excited!

I was also invited to some filmings (for a game show I might end up working on...well, already working on) but I'd be too scared to travel (not sure about the rules excatly on the site itself, but it's more personal fears to be honest.) As much as I'd love to go, I know that right now I'm not really good to travel alone more than a few days at a time (but, again, I'm gearing up for surgery and stuff so!) It sounds super fun to travel a bit though, especially in October when the weather isn't wayy too hot! 

I've also had WAY TOO vivid dreams in the past few weeks - it's been crazy! I also apparently snore (I don't!) so it's been fun lol 
I tried drinking chamomile tea last night with some honey (it's got other stuff in it too I think...rose and hibiscus maybe?) and I actually slept pretty well so that might be an option if the nightmare wasn't just a one-off thing for you!

(I'm definitely overusing my new kettle now - way easier than having to keep an eye out on the stove and stuff haha.)

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16 hours ago, smashradio said:

The wife insists on celebrating Christmas in Norway with the in-laws. That, I'm not looking forward to. Cramped into a tiny house with all the in-laws. Good lord. 

Would be a shame if you got "COVID" or something and had to stay in the home theater while she visits... just sayin

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