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Hey, everyone, I'm new! I'm an illustrator

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Hey, everyone! 

I'm Antonella. I'm an illustrator and designer, and I just joined Fiverr. I hope I can do well there.

Here's my Gig: https://www.fiverr.com/share/g4gV4Y

Recently, I also started a Youtube channel where I show the process of some of my art, here's a link in case someone here enjoys that type of content and wants to check it out: 


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Welcome to the community and hope so will get a better journey. Best Of Luck

Be patience and try your best for better service providing
Also need:

Eye-catchy gig image
More research and seo optimized your gig
Buyer request send properly with proper cover letter
Sharing & caring of gig
Response on time
Be patience

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