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Edit or delete what is useful for ranking a Gig ?



I created my gig 9 days ago with proper optimization and did all the necessary thing to rank my gig but suddenly my gig fallen down, there is no impression last 2 days. So experts tell me what should i do? should i edit my gig or create a new gig by deleting existing gig?. When i search my gig by keywords i got my gig first page but my gig has no impression what is the reason behind this? What mistake i do on my gig?. If i edit my gig title, picture, description will it work to rank?

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5 hours ago, theanim said:

Give it a bit time. At least a month. Then if you think you're not getting enough response the I would recommend you to create a new gig with proper gig research. Thanks. 

22 minutes ago, dev_rittick said:

Wait at least a month. If it dose not work do more research and create a new gig. If you have review in that gig then I will suggest to edit

I don't know why you guys think creating a new gig will help her perform better??????

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If you think there are some problems with your gig like the images, title, tags or pricing then you can delete or update your gig and it will not effect your profile.

However, rather than deleting the gig and create a new one, you can always update your gig, make sure you do not update anything in your gig after 3 days. 


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